Happy Helladays

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Betty's POV
It Christmas Eve I was texting Jughead smiling as I saw him show me a our dog with Jellybean sleeping. I put my phone away and then I saw my mom. "Elizabeth... come on!" I sighed and looked down I put my phone into my pocket and began walking downstairs I smiled and my mom handed me some food "don't worry tomorrow morning you can open all of those presents." I looked at the boxes and said "what if I don't want them?" She looked at me as if I was crazy as my dad sat quietly reading "we could give them to charity? Let kids who can't get this have it, sure I can take a few but...mom some kids need the Christmas spirit more..." she scoffed "we aren't spending our money to kids who don't deserve it." I looked down then back up with more confidence "fine I don't need your approval I'm going to give these to charity." My mom grabbed my hand "if you take these away no more presents ever for you ungrateful child." I sighed and said "whatever I don't care." I grabbed my presents and she grabbed my hand "over my dead body will you take these presents" I sniffled and said "screw you mother..." she slapped me and I gulped she was angry my dad...didn't do anything. But for some reason we saw him slowly falling to the floor "dad!" I yelled out, my mom yelled "Hal!" We ran to him I grabbed my phone "e-excuse me we need a medic! Please my father!" I sniffled and held my dad "dad stay with me! Please!" I held his hand as he looked at me saying "I love you Elizabeth..." I cried "please..." soon enough paramedics came and got him into the truck and we went with them "sir! Sir can you hear us!" I cried and they said "he's not breathing..." they began doing chest compressions to start it up. I called Veronica she said "B?" I cried "call Cheryl...my dad...he...he's in the hospital please come..." I hung up as we went into the hospital, we sat in the seats as they took my dad soon enough the doctor came in "this is difficult to say... we're sorry but...your husband, your father has passed." I began sobbing and suddenly I saw Veronica bust in with Cheryl and there parents "he's dead!" I cried onto the floor they picked me up and hugged me "why not me! It had to be him!" I yelled and cried they rubbed my back. Suddenly Archie came and said "it's Jughead..." he whispered I took his phone and heard "Betty? What happened?" I sniffled "m-m-my d-d-da-dad he-s he's dead." I sniffled and he said "I'm going right now." I shook my head "stay with your family..." I said he hung up and I gave Archie his phone I hugged Veronica as Cheryl rubbed my back. I saw the doctor and asked "h-how? Why did he die?" He sighed "I'm not sure if he told both of you but...he had cancer and he wasn't responding to treatments...so he decided... he just wanted to spend the rest of his time with his family especially you...as he said in his documents we got from his regular doctor. He died from a seizure." I screamed at mom "you did this! All he wanted was to be happy! He wanted me to be happy! But you had to be a little bitch! I hate you! You killed my dad! Your not my mother!" Archie grabbed me and I cried Cheryl said "you don't have to...you can stay with V I know my parents will side with your mother..." I sniffled and nodded and looked at my mom and said "you killed him it wasn't the cancer that did...you killed my father, all he wanted was to spend his last days happy! But of course he couldn't tell me because of you! Your a murder." I cried out and I hugged Veronica and she said "it's okay...I promise... everything will be fine I promise." I nodded and she kissed my cheek and said "come on...let's leave..." I shook my head "I need to say goodbye..." I looked at the doctor saying "can I see him?" He nodded and led me into a room with his body I broke into tears "I'm sorry...I'm sorry for everything I promise to make you happy! I'm so sorry for not realizing it...I love you too...everyday you told me you loved me I understand now... I'm so sorry...I'm an awful daughter...I promise dad I promise to do everything for you...!" I cried and hugged him and kissed his forehead "I will love you forever dad...I'm sorry we should've spent more time together..." I looked at him and said "I need to tell you something..." I sighed and looked around seeing no one "my teacher...I've been with him...yes I know you don't like that...but...I need you to know I'm happy...I know you loved me and you would've wanted me to be happy..." I hiccuped and said "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner..." I sniffled and I saw a piece of paper float I smiled and hugged him "I will love you forever, please take care of me, don't leave me dad..." I left and rubbed my eyes, my mom saw me and tried to grab my hand "I'm staying with veronica...I don't care about what you say or do...I will just go tell the police or child services I don't care! You killed dad." I walked away and Veronica and I decided to go back to my house to get some clothes and things I needed and I played with my necklace and Veronica said "B...did you always have this box in your closet?" I saw a pink box, kinda looked like a present for Christmas. I shook my head, I opened it and saw it was a music box it played a song and a little ballerina was turning I smiled and Veronica said "there was a note actually two..." I grabbed it and opened the one with my name.

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