Difficult Circumstances

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Betty's POV
I heard cries from our son and I rubbed my eyes "I'll go get him" Jughead shook his head and I said "you have work, rest" he sighed and I left our bedroom and walked to his. I saw him crying I smiled "Noah..." I pulled him out and rubbed his back he continued crying and I said "mommy's here...it's okay..." I sighed and asked "bad dream?" He sniffled and I said "let's go see daddy..." our little baby boy Noah was born four months ago, and boy is he a handful. I walked over to our room and saw Jughead rubbing his eyes, I sighed and said "you, go back to bed...you have work" he sighed and said "and you have school" I shrugged and said "its alright! Ive pulled all-nighters its okay, please..." he sighed and said "fine..." Noah looked at his dad and smiled and began blubbering, Jughead chuckled and carefully grabbed him and laid him on his chest "he has your eyes and my hair..." I giggled and cuddled into Jughead. he rubbed Noahs back as he began falling asleep "all he needs is his father..." Jughead chuckled lightly and I picked up Noah and got him into his crib in our room. I got back in bed and Jughead wrapped his arms around me, he moved on top of me and looked at me and kissed me "I really want you to be pregnant... just because...I love having a pregnant wife, you were adorable and gorgeous. And you still are." I smiled and kissed him he lifted me leg over his and he gripped my thigh I stopped saying "baby in the room, never" he sighed and got off and said "tomorrow? At my job?" I scoffed and said "even more no!" He groaned and said "quickie?" I glared at him and he looked down and I said "make it a good one..." he smiled and did his dirty work.

The next morning...
I woke up to my alarm and rubbed my eyes and saw Noah still asleep and Jughead still asleep. I sighed and said to Noah "I'll be right back okay? Daddy is here..." I smiled looking at him sleeping and drooling, I looked over and saw Jughead sleeping...and drooling. I walked downstairs and began making Jughead's breakfast, I saw Hot Dog come from his bed and I smiled "here you are boy!" I went inside the pantry and grabbed two treats and gave them to him. As I finished Jughead's omelette and got it on a plate, I made a salad and went upstairs "boys..." I saw Noah on top of Jughead's chest sleeping with him. I smiled and said "boys...it's time to wake up..." Jughead rubbed his eyes and Noah lightly moved and I smiled kissing both of their heads, they got up and I took Noah downstairs I lowered my shirt and he began drinking his milk for the day as o ate my salad, Jughead came down with his suit and all, he kissed me and said "I love you..." I smiled and he kissed Noah's head "I love you too" he continued drinking and slowly moved and coughed, I grabbed a towel and gently cleaned his mouth "the milk and my boob isn't going anywhere." Jughead chuckled and I smiled at him "he's been hungrier everyday, you have to behave I have tests today okay?" He stopped drinking and I got him in his high chair and gave him his toys Jughead said "you'll be okay doing school from home still?" I nodded and said "yes Juggie, don't worry" he nodded and kissed me saying "I love you..." i smiled and said "love you too" once he left I went upstairs to do some tests I had for school, I had Noah on my chest who was sleeping, I rubbed his back as he sneezed and I finished my school day "do you wanna go see daddy?" He continued snoring and I smiled saying "I'll get you ready..." I set him in a crib and began getting ready. What I love about Noah is...my birthday and his are only a few days apart, it's so cute! He has an earlier birthday but I'm obviously older. Now since it's late September I was in my second year of college, everything is going well, I packed up some lunch and packed up some in Noah's baby bag. I got the bags on both my shoulders and grabbed Noah and put him in my baby sling "shot Dog watch over the house." He sat down and I smiled and I walked to the car. I locked the doors and said "you ready Noah?" He snored and I nodded "alright let's go!" I drove to his office and when we got there I grabbed the bags and pulled out his stroller, I got the bags in them and buckled him up. I began walking and said "I'm here to see my husband?" She nodded and called him she smiled saying "he'll be right down" I nodded and waited with Noah, I picked him up and he was playing with my hair when we saw Jughead he smiled and kissed me and Noah's heads saying "you okay?" I nodded "he was sleepy all go today" he nodded and helped us into the elevator and leave. We were in his office and he smiled saying "so how was school?" I nodded and said "great actually, I'm very excited for the new year" he smiled and kissed my forehead. Noah played with his toys and stared at us "Hot Dog is taking care of the house" he smiled and kissed my hand I held his until one of his employees came in "Mr Jones..." I recognized she didn't look familiar, she was new..." Jughead look at her and she smiled saying "I'm here for your lunch break..." she suddenly put her hand on his shoulder, like does she not see me?

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