Tearful Endings

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Betty's POV
I rubbed my eyes and my son said "what do you mean?" I lightly cried and said "I...I loved your father...and I wanted your grandmother my mom to allow me to be with him...on my birthday...I was dancing with him and he kissed me...my mom...she said...I have to choose." He gulped and said "choose what?" I sighed and said "either...choose to stay with them, or I choose to stay with your father...but if I chose your father...they would never think of me as family again... I was...alone and kicked out of my own family..." he hugged me and he said "I'm so sorry mom..." I shook my head and said "it's okay...I found I made the best decision...because that very day...your dad asked me to marry him, a few years later. We got married...and we found out we were gonna have you." He smiled and I held his hands saying "but that's why we don't see my family...I don't have one anymore..." he shook his head saying "me, dad, Violet, Vanessa, Dylan, Rebecca, her, grandpa, grandpa. And Hot Dog are your family" I smiled and rubbed the side of his cheek saying "your right..." he smiled and i kissed his head saying "why don't you get to bed okay?" He nodded and left the room, Jughead asked "you okay?" I nodded and he rubbed my stomach and kissed my head "I haven't seen my mom...in so long...but I'm happy, I have you. I have our kids...I don't wanna go back...I want all of you..." he smiled and said "I'm gonna shower, you start getting into bed." I nodded and laid down in bed, my stomach was feeling a lot better, I laid down and closed my eyes and began falling asleep.

The next day
I woke up and felt actually...very much better. My stomach was hurting way less. But I was gonna take it slow, I walked downstairs and prepared the kids and Jughead's lunches for school. As I did I also made breakfast, I've turned into an amazing stay at home mom, but i from time to time help Jughead with his financial side of his buisness. I finished breakfast just in time yelling "everyone get the hell down here or your little brother will eat first!" I saw everyone run down and Jughead carried our youngest, Rebecca. I smiled and he got our two youngest into high chairs, we began eating while I set up everyone's lunches with there bags "alright...Jug drive them to school" he nodded and kissed me. When we finished breakfast I gave Noah, Vanessa, Violet and Dylan there lunches and they left. I had Rebecca and she held my leg as I waved to my kids and Jughead. Jughead ran up and kissed me saying "stay safe" I nodded and we ran away. I smiled and said "well...now we can sleep in!" She smiled and we closed the door going to my room, she cuddled up to me and slept in my arms as I rubbed my stomach falling asleep as well. I woke up and it was 12 in the afternoon. I sighed and let Rebecca continue sleeping, I walked towards the kitchen and popped a bag of popcorn. I suddenly felt dizzy I grabbed the counter and yelled "Rebecca!" I gripped the counter then I blacked out.

Jughead's POV
I got home with my kids and they ran inside the house as I walked towards the kitchen I saw Betty on the floor "Betts!" I shook her and she didn't wake up, she was breathing slowly, I picked her up and got her on the couch "come on Betts.." I began giving CPR and nothing but hen, she woke up and looked at me and I said "what happened?" She shrugged "all I remember...I blacked out..." I sighed and said "are you sure your okay?" She nodded and rubbed her stomach and felt kicking, we smiled and I said "you need to be there for her, no matter what..." she nodded and I kissed her and she smiled saying "I know what happened...I got out bed a bit too fast." I smiled and said "I'll make food, you rest up." She nodded and I kissed her head "I love you" she smiled saying "I love you more" I chuckled and rubbed her stomach, and suddenly our little girl began kicking intensely. I chuckled asking "hurting you?" She shook her head and I rubbed her stomach as she said "I love you..." I nodded and helped her up and got her into bed, I sighed and said "just rest okay?" She nodded and I kissed her forehead and stomach. That night I was in bed with her she smiled and held me close to her I rubbed her stomach softly and she said "I wanna tell the kids...about...my mom... and dad" I sighed and said "you sure?" She nodded and I nodded she smirked and climbed on my lap, I smiled and she kissed me and held my neck I rubbed her back and she bit my lip "wow..." she giggled and lifted her shirt over her head. I sighed and said "the kids are here, and here..." she scoffed "you never say no" I sighed and she said "please..." I sighed and she took her bralette off "pretty please!" I chuckled and said "your still...the little girl I met the day. I don't regret anything" she giggled and said "please?" I sighed and kissed her, she smiled and held me and I laid down on the bed. Four months later our daughter was born, and after that...we had two more kids...twins, one of each. We had eight kids...and were madly in love. And that was our little story...we had our downs and faults...but ultimately...we made sure to love each other...and we did that, and we knew...in our next lives...we will meet again and again in any universe we're in. And we will fall in love with each other all over again....


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