Tragic Placement

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Jughead's POV
I was in my classroom and getting my stuff ready when the bell rang my students came in, I smiled and began teaching my class. As I taught for a few minutes Veronica ran into my classroom "Ms Lodge why are you here?" She gulped and suddenly Betty busted through the door coughing, hacking, and wheezing adding a sneeze "I'm sorry I'm late!" She held the garbage can and coughed "that..." Veronica said and rubbed Betty's back I groaned "everyone read and if you don't I swear I'll give you all zeros for participating." And they began reading I went outside with Veronica and Betty she looked super green I sighed "I thought I told you stay home!" I whispered at her she sniffled "my mom made me..." I groaned "god she's an idiot." Betty started loosing her balance and wanted to vomit she ran to the trash can and did but she laid there Veronica and I went towards her "Betty?" I lifted her up and she wasn't moving "Betty!" I carried her to the main office and told the lady "we need an ambulance." She nodded and called one I went outside and they arrived and put her in a gurney. I went with them and we arrived at the hospital and a doctor asked me "what happened?" I sighed "she's been sick for four days she threw up and now she won't wake up." They nodded and said "please stay here we will call you if and when we're ready..." I nodded, soon after the doctors came in "her parents aren't arriving soon she woke up and said she wanted to see you..." I nodded and walked into the room I closed the door and saw her she smiled I smiled back "I'm sorry..." she told me coughing into her sleeve, I shook my head "hey...don't blame yourself..." she nodded I kissed her she held the back of my neck and I smiled and kissed her forehead. Soon after her parents came, her mom looked terrified seeing me I smiled lightly and she said "why are you here!" I sighed and said "well your daughter fainted in school luckily I saw her and made sure to take her here." Her dad smiled and I said "I'm gonna go..." her mother glared at me. I was about to leave until Betty said "Mr Jones..." I turned around she smiled saying "thank you..." I nodded and left. When I got home I groaned and sat on my couch until someone knocked on my door I saw Veronica and Archie she smiled and hugged me I was surprised and asked "what's this for?" She smiled "you saved my best friend how can I ever repay you?" I shrugged she smiled and said "Betty said you were having money about I help you?" I shook my head "I'm not taking advantage of my students like that okay?"  She shook her head and suddenly she handed me a bag "there should be 10000? I think?" I rose my eyebrows "you didn't have to do this!" She smiled "you basically saved my bestie all I'm doing is helping you." I sighed and said "thank you..." she nodded and she left I decided to pay my parents a visit I got in my car and drove quickly, they live pretty far but I got there the next day luckily I put in a sick day I got to my parents house in about 10 hours I grabbed the bag and knocked on the door I saw my dad he smiled and hugged me "I'm happy to see you..." I smiled and Jellybean ran to me "Juggie!" I chuckled and lifted her up she smiled and hugged me I rubbed her back and I saw my mom she smiled and I hugged her "your hair got longer mom..." she nodded I sighed and said "I uhh I have the money..." I opened the bag and revealed the cash my dad smiled "where'd you get it?" I sighed "a friend helped me." He nodded and hugged me "so you gotta go?" I nodded "don't worry! I'm still writing and by the end of the school year you will be looking at a author that's going to New York." My mom was crying, I smiled and she said "god... I never get emotional" I chuckled and kissed her head "stay for a bit?" I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck "I need to go I gotta go back..." they both looked at me "halloween visit or thanksgiving?" I nodded and hugged them both Jellybean looked sad, I crouched down and said "I'll only be a few hours away okay? Call me?" She nodded and hugged me she then said "wait!" She ran upstairs and then ran back giving me a paper "I have a soccer game! Please come and see!" I chuckled and nodded kissing her head she smiled and hugged me again and I left and began going into my car and driving away.

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