Looking In Deeper

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Betty's POV
January 21, my father was being buried today and it was going to be the day I see my mother for the first time in some time...New Years passed and was great I celebrated with Jughead and our puppy Olive. I got ready and put on a black dress with some black heels I sniffled and Jughead came in and wrapped his arms around me and said "we're gonna get through it okay? I know I can't be there to hold your hand but...I'll be there okay? I promise?" I nodded he saw my locket and kissed my lips "if you don't wanna be there tell archie to bring you here..." I nodded and he let me go, I cried lightly saying "I want this to be a dream..." he sighed and said "I know you do...but...we have each other, I'll take care of you in times of need alright? Now is the time." I nodded and I walked outside and went to Veronica's which was nearby we went in a limo and got to the cemetery I saw my dads casket his picture, flowers and everything. I sniffled and I saw my mom she smiled and I didn't grab her hand she said "you little-" Archie cut her off "Ms Cooper she's mourning don't make it worse..." I wiped my tears and Veronica held my hand as the pastor said "Hal Cooper, a wonderful man with a wonderful heart...owner of Cooper Incorporations...he's done such much good, raised a child...would you like to say a few words?" I nodded slowly and went to my dads casket "my dad always told me when I was younger...don't be afraid to do anything, and yes I was, but he made me conquer my fears...all he wanted was for me to be happy. He knew that this wouldn't make it better so he didn't say anything...he wanted me to be happy...he doesn't care if I marry someone now or if I marry someone at sixty he wouldn't care if I loved someone my age or not...he was the best father ever...." I said crying and said "comeback please..." I held his casket and Veronica grabbed me she rubbed my back and I cried "alright let's continue." The pastor said and so we did. After a while I was with Veronica she said "it's okay B I promise it'll get better okay?" I nodded and hugged her she smiled and suddenly I heard "Elizabeth!" I looked and saw my mom I sighed and she yelled "what did your father say to you!? What were you talking about how he wouldn't care about your love!?" I sniffled "because dad doesn't care...he wants me to be happy! Something you don't want..." she scoffed and slapped me Veronica grabbed me and Mr Lodge and Archie went in front of her "Ms Cooper...." Mr Lodge said and everyone stared at my mom and she left I looked down and said "I want Jughead..." Archie nodded and grabbed my hand and we got into his car as he called Jughead. We arrived at his house and I saw him waiting I opened the door running to him and hugging him he rubbed my back and Archie left he took us inside and my puppy looked sadly at me I sniffled and smiled "hey..." I picked him up he licked my tears I giggled and kissed his head Jughead said "I'll get you some warm clothes okay?" I nodded and he ran upstairs, I had on his shirt and my leggings and we sat down watching movies, he rubbed my arm and our puppy was on my chest sleeping. Jughead said "you okay, about your dad?" I nodded "I'm surviving...cause I have you..." he smiled and kissed me I snuggled into his neck he chuckled and we continued watching our movies.

The next day
I woke up feeling Olive in my arms and Jughead in the bed with me I smiled and whispered "I love you..." silently because I was afraid to say it yet. As I got up I stretched and said "come on Olive time to eat..." he snuggled into Jughead making me chuckle "you both are so lazy" I walked to the kitchen to make something to eat. As I made breakfast and set it on the table I saw Olive and Jughead walking down the stairs I smiled and sighed "finally you sleepyheads are up" they looked at each other and I giggled I set Olive to the floor to eat his food and kissed Jughead "come on I made breakfast don't let it go to waist." He sighed and we began eating. After a while I was upstairs and fixing my clothes I walked downstairs seeing Jughead writing on his typewriter on the couch with Olive next to him. I smiled and said "wow..." he looked at me and chuckled "wearing my shirt huh?" I giggled and ran to him he smiled and I sat on his lap and he sighed and I asked "so what are you writing now?"  he shrugged "some short stories..." I giggled and kissed him I ran my hands through his hair he went lower and lower and began taking off my shorts but I grabbed his hand "nope...your not gonna seduce me yet." He groaned and said "I promise you sex later...okay?" He made puppy dog eyes saying "pretty please..." he looked down and I kissed him "maybe...a little groping..." he chuckled and I smiled and kissed him again.

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