Baby Showers

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Betty's POV
I was with Veronica she was drinking wine while I was...drinking a juice box. Archie and Jughead went out and I was with Veronica talking about baby showers! "So I was thinking, cute baby ducks, also some wine for the people allowed of course" I rolled my eyes and she smiled saying "and also we can play little games! We can do it with our respective others!" I smiled and said "whatever you say V, I know you'll do amazing. Especially since you and Archie are his little godparents" she smiled and said "I'm honored" I smiled and suddenly the doorbell rang "I'll go get it you stay, alright?" Veronica told me and I agreed, she stood up and rubbed my belly and kissed it making us both smile, we saw Cheryl and I smiled and sat up Veronica came by my side saying "Cheryl wanted to plan the baby shower..." I sighed and said "sorry Cher, Veronica has been planning ever since I was what? Four months?" She smiled and said "it's fine..." Veronica began saying "so as I was saying all different colors, you never know what he'll like, we will do blue but a lot more as well." I smiled and he began kicking "someone wants to say hello" Veronica rubbed my stomach and he continued kicking more "that's right you love your auntie! I'm teaching him Spanish!" I giggled and Cheryl said "can I feel?" I nodded and she touched my stomach but he stopped kicking "that's odd...he never does okay buddy?" I carefully tried getting up, Veronica helped me and I rubbed my stomach while walking downstairs and grabbed a juice box and he began kicking again "there you are..." I rubbed my stomach and walked back up, I saw Veronica and she smiled saying "I've gotta go, Archie's mom wants to catch up, bye!" And she left Cheryl stayed and said "I guess I have missed a lot...." I sighed and said "I'm sorry Cher... you can help Veronica..." she nodded and I said "don't be sad...I've always let Veronica plan stuff, she did my wedding I was...I'm thankful for everything she's done." I nodded and she said "I'm sorry..." I smiled saying "it's okay, you should head home, Jughead might get home soon and I have to cook for him" she nodded and soon left. I was making food and carefully poured my spaghetti into two bowls. I see them on the table but Jughead still wasn't here...I sighed and began waiting. After a few hours he got home "I'm sorry I'm late..." I nodded and asked "where were you?" He sighed and said "in traffic...I'm sorry Betts if I worried you." I shook my head and said "I'm happy your home..." I kissed him and he smiled saying "what'd your make for dinner?" I smiled and brought him to the dining room.

The next day
I was getting ready for my baby shower, so I got on a dress and said " me zip up?" He nodded and zipped me up and wrapped his arms around me. He rubbed my stomach and smiled saying "you doing okay?" I nodded and said "once we...have him all in control...we can make as many as you'd like..." he smiled and said "I don't wanna make your body go through all that..." I smiled saying "I don't care...I'm yours...and I'd love to have your kids." He smiled and said "when he turns one...let's give him a sibling..." I giggled and kissed him again and he smiled saying "I'll stay at home more often, to help you out." I smiled saying "once college is done...I'll be a stay at home mom. To help you out." He smiled and lifted me onto our desk and he rubbed my thighs and smiled saying "do I have to do this baby shower?" I sighed and said "please? It'll be fun" he sighed and said "fine..." he kissed me and said "I love you..." I nodded and said "I'll love you so much...if we have a quickie!" He scoffed and said "right here? Right now?" I nodded and he locked our door saying "make it quick." I smiled and he did too and I shoved him on the bed. When we were finished I fixed his shirt and smiled he shook his head saying "I hate you" I scoffed "you love me!" He smiled and we walked downstairs, I opened the door and saw Veronica she came in and began setting up, after a hour many people were over. After an amazing night I sat down with Jughead still drinking a baby bottle with milk "Jug!" I pulled it out of his mouth and he yelled "hey! That was some good milk!" I sighed and set it down he smiled saying "I actually enjoyed it...those games were intense" I was confused and said "really? All you did was eat!" He nodded and said "I was afraid that I would loose in front of my unborn child!" I smiled and he held my hand saying "so...we're close to your due date..." I smiled and rubbed my stomach "I'm scared...with baby weight..." he smiled and said "I don't care about your body...your beautiful...every part of you is" I smiled and nodded I moved my leg and was sitting on his lap he smiled and my stomach began moving lightly, he rubbed my stomach and he kissed me and I held his face, he smiled and moved my hair and he unzipped my dress and it slowly fell down my shoulders, I unbuttoned his shirt and he stopped and chuckled lightly I smiled and he said "maybe we should finish this upstairs?" I smiled and he brung me upstairs.

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