Thanksgivings Away

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Jughead's POV
I was with my parents for thanksgiving I wished I had Betty with me if I'm being honest but we both knew we couldn't. I was eating, Betty and I kept texting until my mom said "Jughead! Put the phone down!" I sighed and she said "was that Betty?" I nodded and smiled "we couldn't spend it together but were happy we can spend Thanksgiving with our respective families, plus she's...supporting me with everything, my writing, with you mom...she really cares..." my mom nodded my dad asked "so did you tell her about the publishing?" I nodded and said "I sent out my work and it'll be a while till I hear back for now I'm just...waiting..." they nodded and Betty began calling me I smiled "I'm gonna take this..." they nodded and I went upstairs into my room I heard her say "hey..." I smiled "well what's up? Is your family..." she sighed "it's not the best...they are mainly talking business or not saying anything at all..." I rubbed my eyes "I wish I could be with you or the other way around, you know that right?" I heard her say "yea I know..." I smiled and said "hey...your the only person that deserves the most right now okay? I care about you a lot Betty..." I heard her say "thank you...Happy Thanksgiving" I chuckled "Happy Thanksgiving Betts." I heard her cry as she said "meet me near Sweet Water bridge? Tomorrow night when you come home?" I smiled and said "of course your the only thing that matters to me..." I heard her cry lightly and I said "don't worry your parents are ass mostly your mom but it doesn't mean you shouldn't be happy." I heard her sniffle and she said "I'm gonna go before my parents kill me...bye." She hung up and I saw Jellybean in the door frame she was crying "she's the only thing that matters?" I sighed and she ran into her room slamming the door, I walked downstairs and my mom said "what's going on?" I rubbed my neck "Jellybean overheard mines and Betty's conversation, her parents aren't very great so she really wants me to go home tomorrow and...I said she's the only thing that matters to me at the moment and well...Jellybean heard now she's upset..." my mom sighed "she shouldn't be she has no idea what it's like, so don't worry I'll go talk to her I promise." I shook my head "I think I can handle it." She sighed and sat down and I walked up the stairs and went into Jellybeans room she was in her bed I sighed and said "JB...." she looked at me and said "go home! Go back to your girlfriend!" I sighed and sat on her bed "Jb...the reason I said that is because Betty's life isn't a perfect apple." She looked at me "yes, she's rich, she can buy anything on the earth but...she's not like every other girl, she's different and compassionate and that's why I like her..." she sniffled and I sighed "her parents don't do stuff like mommy and daddy, her parents are tough and mean." She sat up and she asked "what if one day you have a baby!" I sighed "Jb... I can't answer that..." she began crying "you can't cry because... your basically telling me if I had to save someone dad or mom which one? I can't pick...but if I had to...I'd pick my baby... because it's needs someone to help them everyday Jellybean look at you, your grown up and child will either be or not be." She looked down and nodded "I'm sorry..." I smiled and shook my head "it's okay...let's go and eat some more food." She nodded and we ran downstairs.

Betty's POV
I walked downstairs and my mom said "Elizabeth! Where the hell were you!" I gulped "just talking to a friend..." she came up to me "you made your father and I come home for this stupid holiday no one cares about!" I saw my dad pull her back "I'm sorry but...all your doing is working." She scoffed "we do that to get money! To make sure you have money!" I yelled "I don't care! I don't care about money! I'm considerate I don't care wether I have one dollar or one million dollars! And I wanted you to come home! Veronica's parents are being together and happy, Cheryl's as well! Why can't I!" I yelled out and my mother slapped me and she said "don't you dare yell at me" I looked at my dad who wasn't saying anything "so what? Your gonna take moms side when you know I'm right?" My mom slapped me again and kicked my leg "stop talking crap Elizabeth! This will be he last time young lady! Everything I've done is to make sure you succeed!" I sniffled and she slapped me again yelling "say something!" I cried and said "your abusive..." suddenly she threw me to the floor and kicked my back "I can get more abusive Elizabeth! Don't try me!" I cried and she kicked me twice again until my dad pulled her away "dinner is over!" She began throwing out the plates and my dad washed some as I ran to my room and cried as hard as I could into my pillow. I didn't want anyone...I wanted happiness.

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