Chapter 48

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A month later

(Rose is seven months pregnant)


"Oh my goodness! I can't believe you having a boy. I'm so excited

I chuckled and nod. "I can see. You glowing like you the one pregnant." She smiled. "I'm just excited and I'm glad that I could be part of such a beautiful process. Did you hear his heartbeat? He is so strong."

I nod, with a smile on my face. I sigh. To think I almost aborted him, killed him, is so painful. I'm grateful that Chris and Rita convinced me otherwise. I smile rubbing my stomach. I'm carrying a healthy little boy and I'm going to love him with my whole heart. He is going to have the best life ever and I'm going to be the best mom ever.

"Why did Chris not come?"

"Because I told him not to."

"Why? Was he busy today?"

We got inside the car and backed out of the parking lot. "No, I was coming with you and I don't want him to be too attached"

"Don't you think he already is?"

"Yeah, that is why I told him to not come this time. Rita, I'm not sure who the daddy is, but when I calculated it said him. I just don't want him to be too attached and find out he is not the father. He is so excited and you should have seen the shoes he bought him and the outfits. They are so cute"

She sigh. "I thought the father was Aaron and I don't know, but something keeps telling me it's him, but you're the mother, you know best."

I bite my lip and make a right turn. I park the car and we walk out. We walk in the restaurant and sit, waiting for a waiter. She comes and takes our order.

"I'm kind of hoping it's Chris's. Aaron doesn't want kids, at all. He said it to my face that if I was certain on who the father of the baby is, he would also have asked me to get an abortion. He would have supported me. We talk from time to time and he is happy for me"

"If he doesn't want this baby, why did he go with you to your last month's check up?"

"I asked him and he was hesitant at first, but he still came. I feel like he only came because he still feels guilty of what happened a few months back."

"As he should. I've never been so scared in my whole life"

"And angry. That day you showed everyone how angry you could get. You were flaming and ordering people around. Get me this, get me that."

"I had to do something, you wouldn't go to the hospital"

I sigh. "He could be the father of my child, I couldn't just go. Police were going to ask questions and I didn't have the energy. We have a doctor, so I'm good."

She sigh and changed the subject. "What names are you giving him?"

"Anything, but junior. I don't want that. I've been looking at baby names."

"You've always loved the name Aro"

I nod. "Yeah, but won't it kind of be weird if this is Chris's child? Its too close to Aaron's name"

She nod. "Right. But than if it's Aaron's child?"

"Than I'll decided on the names I give him."


Short chapter for y'all. Hope y'all enjoy and vote and comment.


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