♕ Vidarr Stark ♕

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Role: The False Stark

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Role: The False Stark

Name: Vidarr Stark (Vi-Dare)

Nickname(s): | "V" | The Forest Warrior | "Quick"

Age: 24

Gender: Male


His skin is olive toned from the countless days of strolling the city as a loyal guard, and his hands are calloused from the endless hours of hunting, his hands always at his bow. With a toned physique, his hair as black as the night sky and eyes the color of honey, he's always been one to make the Martell women swoon. 

Sexual Orientation: Straight as his sword and curvy as his bow ;)

Personality: Being an introvert, Vidarr tends to keep to himself and will stray away from situations that don't concern him. Though reserved he won't hesitate to stand up for himself or others if he feels the need to. He has an approachable demeanor with his rugged good looks which earns many looks from the women wandering around the city. Viddar is extremely loyal and is known to never spill secrets. He can be as stubborn as mule which means once he makes up his mind, there is no going back.


Though he was born a Stark, he's always felt out of place and likes to think of himself as "The Black Sheep". His father, from what little he wants to remember of him, beat him when he was younger, and he bears the scars to prove it. He always thought of him as a "bastard son" and has wanted little to nothing to do with him. So, with barely anyone he's considered family, he fends for himself and to clear his mind he enjoys long treks through the woods. Being the most skilled archer in his field, he hunts almost every week and can spend days in the woods without ever thinking of going back to his busy life.

He hopes one day to travel endlessly until his horse's legs cannot go on anymore, he craves to be one with the forest and hopefully make a name for himself there.


Vidarr is as skilled of an archer as he is skilled with women. He never misses a shot and always comes home with his armour caked in the enemy's blood, never of his own. Being his prized possession, his bow is crafted of the finest wood butchered from forests that's trees disappear into the clouds and white engravings encase the aging wood with different enchantments.

He's loyal and will take a secret with him to the grave.

This man has a drive for success and being this ambitious has got him where he is today. He thrives to get better with his arrows and won't stop just because he gets tired. And if there's an enemy, he won't stop until he has their blood decorating his sword.


The skilled man is as hard as a rock, though his face says otherwise. Despite his approachable and laid back demeanor, Vidarr shows little to no emotion and doesn't let personal things cloud his judgment. And all of this is because of his abusive father, always tugging at his heart until it fully shattered, leaving his emotions to die with it. Though a good trait for the battlefield, it puts strain on his relationships.

Vidarr is impulsive and acts based on the severity of the situation. He tends to not think before he does and that has gotten him into many fights and made him acquire enemies he shouldn't have. His family tends to remind him that this is something he shouldn't continue as it could get him killed, but being his stubborn self, he brushes their comments off.

Quote or Theme Song: "Don't be afraid of being outnumbered. A lion walks alone while the sheep flock together."

Theme Song: You Can't Take Me by Bryan Adams 

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