Chapter 2

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I looked at my scrap of paper. ePear Shop, Season Mall, 4th Maple Street. Well this was the Season Mall all right.

And it was bursting with tourists, children and parents. Wow. I've always been kind of an introvert so yeah never really been off my street before. I didn't even know this mall exsisted.

ePear Shop was easy to find. It was on the second floor, and there were people in pear costumes waving phones in people's faces. I walked into the shop.

The whole shop was white with blue lights. It was so pretty, and they had all the latest phone models, computers, headphones, anything a techno-geek like me would love.

I went over to the counter and told the guy sitting there, "Hello, I'm here for the job the shop advertised on the newspaper."

The guy pushed his glasses up his nose and typed on his computer. "You're Miss Layla Evans?"

I nodded.

"Alright," he looked up and smiled at me. He had baby blue eyes with thick-rimmed glasses and shaggy blonde hair. He was kinda cute. His nametag said "Sebastian." He got up from his chair and I was suddenly very conscious of my short height. He was a whole two heads taller than me. "Follow me." he said, walking into a room which said Staff Only.

The big spacey room was white also, with dim blue lights. There were boxes on rollers along the walls, and I peeked to see where the rollers go. They go into a square hole in the far wall.

"You'll be counting the new shipments we have every day for the whole week," he said, pointing to the boxes on top of the rollers. "Once you finish counting one box, record it in this sheet." he waved towards some papers nailed onto the wall. "After you've done that just hit the big green button over there."

I looked to where he was pointing. A big green button was right next to the papers. Why did i not see it there before?

"If you need anything, just ask," Sebastian smiled and waked out the door. "You're done when you finish counting all the boxes for today."

I huffed. Alright then. Fifty bucks for counting stuff for seven days. Not bad. All the boxes were open and i just had to count them all.

There were seven boxes in total, according to the paper. This might take me less thn an hour, but i decided to stay for as long as i wanted. I had nothing to do back at home.

***********2 hours later****************

"Oh, you're done," i heard a voice from the door. I looked up. It was Sebastian.

"Yeah," i said. I checked my watch. "I've been done for the past hour."

"Why dont you go home?" Sebastian said, sitting down next to me on the rollers.

I shrugged. "Nothing to do. Mightvas well stay."

Sebastian smiled. "Its time for lunch. Wanna go and grab a sandwich together? I'm done for the day too."

I got up. "Sure, why not? Are you a part-time worker too?"

Sebstian laughed. "Kinda. I'm the boss's son." He stuck out his hand and smiled at me. "Glad to meet ya."

I returned the handshake, smiling. "The pleasure is all mine."

We headed out of the shop together nd went up to the fourth floor.

We stopped at Starbucks and i ordered a blueberry cheesecake with a frappacino (is that how you spell it?).

Sebastian frowned. "Whats that you're drinking?"

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