Well, I'm used of being the star.

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" That's her."
             A girl whispered.
"It's really her."

" She is so damn hot. " Another one giggled.

" The queen!"

"Is that really her?"

"Queen is back!"

"The queen has returned."

"Oh My Gosh!"

"Look at her hair!"

I took no notice of the whispering students as I walked past them, my hands casually shoved in my jacket's pockets, my sunglasses secure on my face.

I ran a hand through my dark brown waves and flipped back my hair over my shoulder, my head held straight with my chin up, wanting to show the staring and whispering crowds that they had no effect on me.

"Oooh!" Someone gasped.

"It's Zena Adams!"

Yeah, it's me, Zena Adams and I am used of being the centre of attention.

Being the great grand daughter of the founder of your school can gain a lot of attention for you. The old me would definitely be bothered by all this attention but this new me, the Queen of Hilltop High, is used to this.

I usually keep myself separated from others. Mostly because of what I have seen and experienced. I didn't want to end up like her.

A small crowd was already formed on my either sides, making wide eyes at me. Well, it might have been a surprise to them since I returned to school after two months.

The crowded students parted to let me pass in between them and
I walked straight in to the cafeteria, knowing that my friends would be there.

The cafeteria is their favorite place in the school.

Well, no duh. It's the most exciting place of the school where every drama happens, only second to the stadium, if you ask me.

All my way toward the cafeteria, students kept gasping and whispering and nudging.

There we go again.

Like I said, being a descendent of the founder of your school came with its own perks as well as cons.

Walking in to the cafeteria, I gazed at the students who were helping themselves into warm drinks and foods at the place.

My eyes were searching for my two besties.

The students there had seen me and yeah, there went the whispers and exclaims.

" ZENA...!"

An extremely familiar voice yelled out loud as a girl with pale coloured hair, approached me with open arms, a wide smile playing on her lips.

She was in a green colour frock that reached her knees and her hair was tied in to a top knot with a small bow clipped on to the side of her head.

Approaching me, she flung her arms around me and gave me a tight embrace.

If someone else had hugged me like that, I would probably have shoved him or her away. I was not used to hugs and things.

But, it was non other than Isla Summer, one of my best friends.
So, I just returned her embrace, smiling.

The Queen of Hilltop High ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now