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The morning sun beams peaked through the thin white curtains in the room, tickling Taehyung's eyes. He tried to slowly open his eyes but then gave up, trying to take his hands out of something heavy that was lying over his chest holding his hands tightly in place. He felt a pleasing warmth coming from his left. "Ggukkie," he said softly and turned to the bunny lying next to him. Suddenly he remembered something and flinched open his eyes to see the living bunny, sleeping peacefully hugging him.

Taehyung looked up and saw Jungkook's face so close to him. Taehyung couldn't help but smile at the scene. How many times has he dreamed the same thing. How much he longed to feel his hyung's warmth which was something he absolutely loved and missed. Or is this again a dream? If so, he doesn't want to wake up.

Taehyung slowly raised his head to look at the clock. There was only five minutes left for Jungkook's alarm. He slowly placed his head back in the old position, not wanting Jungkook to wake up. He looked at the older's face again. He was sleeping really peacefully breathing in and out cutely. His face looked like that of an innocent bunny. His chest moving slightly up and down as he breathed just like a baby. This was one of the rare scenes Taehyung could ever get to see for real. So, he watched amusedly with a gentle smile on his face. How can a person like him look this cute while sleeping?

Suddenly, the memories from the previous night hit Taehyung's head like a hammer and he turned about, pulling Jungkook's hands away from his body. Right then he felt a stinging sensation on his left leg.

Jungkook immedietely sat up rubbing his eyes. Taehyung tried to jump out of the bed but he fell back instead. Something was pulling him back to the bed. He looked back to see his left foot tied to Jungkook's right foot with a rope tied three or four times around both of their legs.

"What's that?" Taehyung mumbled.

"Sit there. Let me untie it first," Jungkook said sheepishly without looking at the younger. Taehyung sat on the bed looking down at his lap, wondering what is happening. Jungkook finished untying the rope and right then the alarm started ringing. Both of them jumped at the sound.

"What were you trying to do yesterday?" Jungkook asked after he stopped the alarm, hitting at it's head. Taehyung didn't answer and simply sat there looking at his lap.

"Kim Taehyung, tell me, why are you troubling me so much? You made me search for you in the whole city, yesterday. Not only me, but Yoongi also. Do you know how much I was....Fuck! What were you trying to do yesterday? You littile piece of shit! You just want to destroy my peace, right? You knew clearly that even if you do something, I will rush you to the hospital and save you, hmm? And, why the hell are you fucking shedding tears now?"

"H..hyung..I..I really don't want to live anymore. Can't you Just be kind enough to allow me to die? Won't you be happy if I die? I don't want to ruin your peace. I am...sorry for troubling you and ruining your peace. Hyung, but you don't need to worry. You won't face any trouble if I die, be..because I had written a letter telling nobody is responsible for my death," Taehyung said sobbing.

"Is that so? Fine, then just die after Dad comes. I don't want to take the headache of arranging the funeral for you. Can you just do that for me?" Jungkook asked without looking at the younger.

"Mhm..I will do that for you, hyung," Taehyung said, still looking down as tiny beads of tears left his eyes.

"Okay then, go and get ready fast. Please don't make me late. Can you atleast do that now?" Jungkook asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Hyung, you don't have to wait for me. I will go myself."

"Just shut up and do what I said," Jungkook said and rushed to the bathroom.

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