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It was a cloudy evening. Taehyung stood at the spot where Jungkook would usually pick him. He stood there for about 10 minutes. From the distance, he saw the black rolls royce approaching. But it didn't stop. He saw the girl from the morning sitting in the passenger seat, as the car rolled away.

Taehyung felt pain in his heart. He could have took a bus and reached home already. Yet he being the fool he was, waited for Jungkook. When he decided to take a bus in the morning, Jungkook pulled him into the car and when he was waiting for him, he drove away without even looking at him. Taehyung felt angry and sad. He looked up at the sky which was dark and cloudy. It might rain at any moment. Luckily he had an umbrella with him today. Taehyung ran to the bus stop to take a bus home before it starts raining.

He kicked the shoes that were still lying near the door as he entered his room. He dropped his bag on the floor, threw his iPhone on the bedside table and fell on his bed, feeling sad. His hair and clothes were damp from the rain, Yet he didn't feel like changing the clothes or having tea. He was feeling like crazy. Today was an exhausting day.


The phone vibrated. Taehyung reached his hands and took it from the table. He opened it to see  it was a message from Eunwoo. He was not in the mood to chatt with him so he didn't even open the message. But then more and more messages started popping up. Taehyung felt uneasy. He put the phone on silent and threw it back to the table.

Jungkook's phone started ringing as he just reached home after dropping Bora at her home. He saw it was Eun woo. Why is he calling me now? Jungkook unbuckled the seat belt and picked the call whilst hopping out of the car.

"Hey Kook, where are you?"

"I just reached home. Why?"

"Is Tae home? I texted him. But he isn't replaying."

Why the hell is he asking me about him?

"Kookie, can you please ask him to reply me? Please..."

What the fuck! What's with him?

"Hmm...okay. Wait, let me look where he is," Jungkook said and ended the call.

Is this Eunwoo crazy? When did he start texting Taehyung.

Jungkook headed upstairs to Taehyung's room. He opened the door and it got struck on something. He looked down and saw it's the shoes he bought Taehyung yesterday. It's other pair was lying a little away upside down and Jungkook felt his heart clench. He saw Taehyung sleeping on his bed, still in his uniform which was slightly wet. His hair was damp, small drops of water decorated his forehead.
Jungkook went to wake him up but then he saw his phone lying on the bed side table. What might have Eun woo texted him?

Jungkook took the phone from the table and turned it on. It had no password. He quickly opened the messenger. The first profile was Eunwoo's. There were 8 unread messages from him. Jungkook hastily opened the messages.

Tae, your dp is so cute.

Did you reach home?

How was today?

What about your
basket ball practice?

Btw, I am
contesting for election
to School leader post.
What do you think
about that?

I don't know whether
anyone would vote for me.

Are you busy?

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