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As Taehyung walked through the hallway to his class, everyone was looking at him. At first he was confused why everybody was staring at him. But soon he could understand, it was something to do with the party and Hanbin. Did everyone know? Taehyung felt abashed and uncomfortable at the wild stares he was receiving from the people on both side of the corridor. He felt like running back to Jungkook. But he walked steadily to his class, ignoring everyone in the hallway. Jimin came running to him as he entered the class. Jimin quickly dragged him to their seat while all the others stared at them.

"Tae, is it true? That Hanbin tried to.....Bastard! "

"Jiminie, how did you know? And....d..did everyone know? All were staring at me."

"Tae, so, you didn't see?"


"Tae, don't worry. It's okay. Nothing. Ignore it."

"Tell me. What is it? How did everyone know?"

"Tae...it's...don't worry...it's just someone posted a pic from the party yesterday on school forum with the caption, deputy head boy tried to rape a junior basketball player and was beaten unconscious by the the player's brother."

"Oh! Then, how did everyone knew it was me?"

"Hanbin, Jungkook and you were in the pic. And those people who were at the party spread the news."

Taehyung let out a sigh. "Why....why this people.."

"Tae, it's okay. People might stare at you for a day or two. But then they will forget. Just leave it. Don't bother about that. Anyway, Hanbin's true face came to the public. I heard rumors that he got dismissed from school. Don't know if it's true."


"Alright, leave it. C'mon, let's just revise the equations for the maths test now."

* *

Jungkook, I need to talk to you," Bora said blocking Jungkook on the hallway.

"Look, I need to go to the library. Let's talk later."

"Jungkook, you are not going anywhere. I need to talk to you right now!" Bora said sternly.

"Okay, what?"

"Why are you not picking my calls from two days? And you didn't even bother to see me after the match. I am your girlfriend, right?"

"I was a bit busy these days. And after match, I had to go with Yoongi and.."

"Okay, now, Jungkook, tell me what I heard is true or not."


"I heard that junior basketball player Kim Taehyung is your brother. Is it true?"

"Yeah, it's true. I need to go. Let's talk later," Jungkook said and walked away.

"Jungkook...but..", Bora called out but Jungkook just ignored her and continued walking. Bora stombed her foot on the floor in anger.

* *

Mr Kim was eying Taehyung all the while during the test. Taehyung was again feeling awkward and embarrassed at the fact that teachers also heard about the incident. After the bell rang and the test ended, Mr Kim walked to Taehyung. He bent a little to look at the boy who was sitting in his seat.

"Taehyung, I need to talk to you. Let's go to my office," Mr Kim said placing a hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung looked up at the teacher, confused and anxious."Sir..w..why? "

"Taehyung, please come with me," Mr Kim said and walked. Taehyung glanced at Jimin before he stood up and followed Mr Kim. Jimin was a bit worried. Everyone else in the class was also watching.

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