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The next day Mr Jeon went with Taehyung to his school for the middle school graduation ceremony and farewell. Mr Jeon asked Jungkook also to come along with them but Jungkook somehow managed to escape saying he has to go to a friend's party. Jungkook can't even imagine a situation in which he has to see Teachers, students and everyone appreciating Taehyung. That is worse than death for him.

Taehyung has graduated from middle school with top Marks. Everyone was amazed at Taehyung's score since he was always just an above average student. No one expected this high grades from Taehyung. Taehyung was always not able to score high because of Jungkook. Jungkook will get really angry at him if he gets good marks, also he doesn't get much time to study after doing Jungkook's homework and other works. But this time Taehyung decided to give his best in exam no matter what. He wanted to score good atleast for the last time before he leaves middle school. He concentrated well in class and brought out this result. Actually he could have become the first if he got some time to study at home.

After the ceremony, Mr Jeon and Tae drove back home. On the way back, they stopped at a nice restaurant and had lunch whilst chatting. Taehyung is often not able to speak openly to Mr Jeon because Jungkook doesn't like it. But today he was totally relieved since he was free from Jungkook's threatening eyes. Today was sure one of the best days for Taehyung.

"Taehyungie, so tell me, which high school do you want to go to?" Mr Jeon asked Taehyung while they were driving back home.

"Uhm..Dad, I don't know," Taehyung said.

"No need to think a lot about it. You are gonna go to the best school here," Mr Jeon said.

"Dad, you mean hyung's school?!" Taehyung asked in panic, realizing that Jungkook is studying in Bighit, the best school in Busan.

"Yes, of course. Bighit, it's the best school and you both can go and come back together. Aren't you happy?" Mr Jeon asked looking at the nervous boy infront of him.

"Oh...yes..of course. I am happy," Taehyung lied. He was thinking about how Jungkook was going to react on knowing about this. Of course, Jungkook won't be happy, he will be mad, really mad.

"Tae, what are you thinking? You don't look so happy. Don't you like to go to Bighit?" Mr Jeon asked.

"Dad, actually I don't want to study in such a famous school. I prefer some local high school," Taehyung blurted out without thinking much.

"Why son?" Mr Jeon frowned, tilting his face to Taehyung.

"Because..uhm..I...I just...", Taehyung stammered as he didn't know what to say.

Mr Jeon suddenly stopped the car and parked it near the side of the road before turning his face completely to Taehyung. "Look Tae, you are my son and I love you as much as I love Jungkook," he said in a serious yet worried tone. "But Tae, why are you..."

"No Dad, it's not like that. Please..." Taehyung got nervous at Mr Jeon's response and his eyes started getting watery.

"Taehyungie, are you crying?why? Tell me, why are you so sad? I am so sorry, baby, I know you see me as your own Dad."

"Dad, it's not that."

"Then what? Is it something to do with Kook? Is there some problem Tae? Does he fight with you?" Mr Jeon asked anxiously.

"No, he doesn't. It's not that. I just cried because, I am so happy. I got a bit overwhelmed. That's all Dad," Taehyung quickly replied.

"If you are happy, don't cry. Smile now. So, you will be going to Bighit, alright?" Mr Jeon said.

"Okay," Taehyung nodded and gave his Dad a perfect fake smile. But his heart was already beating like crazy, imagining about the things that were going to happen next.

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