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Tears slithered out of Jungkook's eyes as he closed the diary. The old diary trembled in his shivering hands. He felt like the whole world crashing down on him. He is a crying and sobbing mess. He has never cried like this ever in his life. His heart felt like it would burst into a million pieces at any moment. He doesn't know what to do, Where to go. Tears pouring down like waterfall and he wiped it harshly.

I don't deserve to live anymore for what I did to Tae. I deserve to rot in hell. God won't forgive me even if Tae forgives me. Why did Dad hide all this from me? Why didn't I know? What did I do to my Tiger! This can never be fixed!

I don't even deserve to breathe anymore. I hate myself. I will go somewhere far away where nobody can find me. Tae should not see my disgusting face anymore. But before that, I need to hear everything from Dad's mouth.

Jungkook looked like a ghost as he came out of the store room. He had the diary in his hands which didn't provide him enough information about what he actually wanted to know. Instead it shocked him with the unexpected and unimaginable bitter truths. The maximum Jungkook expected when he opened the diary was to find Taehyung innocent. But it was a lot more than that. All the truths that lied hidden all these years suddenly unraveled out of a little golden box and it was more than Jungkook could bear.

He didn't bother to close the store room door. He ran upstairs to grab his car key. Luckily the servant had already gone after cleaning the room. Otherwise it would have been a real shock for her to see Jungkook in that condition. He grabbed his car key and rushed to the porch with the diary. Tears continued to roll down his cheeks as he drove the car to his Dad's company office. He felt like the whole world crashing upon him. His heart was breaking into pieces as every minute passed.

Atlast, he reached the place. He harshly wiped his face with his both hands and hopped out of the car. Then only he realized he hasn't changed the shorts and t-shirt he was wearing at home. But he couldn't care less about that.

Jungkook directly walked inside. The staff at the reception was surprised on suddenly seeing their boss' son, that too in pyjama shorts. One of the staff tried to call Jungkook but he didn't turn around or look back, and entered the lift to first floor where his Dad's office was. The staff looked at each other confused.

Jungkook pushed open Mr Jeon's cabin door. Mr Jeon stood up in surprise.

"Kook, why are you here? and like this..what happened?"

"Dad, why did you h..hide all this from me all these years?"

"Wh..what?" Mr Jeon asked shocked. Jungkook threw the diary onto Mr Jeon's table.

"Who is Taehyung? I need to hear the truth from your mouth," Jungkook almost yelled.

"J..Jungkook....where did you get this diary? Whose diary is this?"

"Taehyung's mother's."

"Jiyeon's? That's not possible..I already.....Did you read it?" Mr Jeon's expression revealed shock, worry and tension.

"Yeah, I read it. Dad..please..tell me, Is this..true?"

"Kook, I don't know, what is written in the diary. But maybe.. the things in the diary are true. I think now it's time for you to know everything."

"Dad, that means..that means you are an orphan and all this...Tae..he is actually..." Jungkook was again at the verge of tears.

"Yes, son. But why are you crying? What's wrong? Why should you be upset about that?"

"Dad..that means. All this belongs to Tae. And we were using..", Jungkook was cut by Mr Jeon.

"No Kook. It's not like that. I will tell you everything."

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