Chapter 37: LYNN

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I wheeled myself from the room to the living room so that I can retrieve the cosmetics bag from Laura's suitcase. She won't admit it and neither would I but she really is the best sister ever. Okay maybe that is an exaggeration but still she always shares secrets, she always trusts me and she and I are just alright.

I stopped before her red suit case and unzipped it. After fiddling with her clothes I finally found the bag. I picked it up and turned around but something else catches my attention: A brown envelope.

I know I should know better than to just pick it up and see what is inside it but I can't help if I am curious.

"Lynn wait," Laura called from inside the bedroom but I already had opened the flap of the pack.

Inside was a lot of paper work so I took the first one out. A prescription? Why the hell would she need a prescription and these many medicines? I digged further more and took out an X-ray? An X-ray!? What is going on? Now I started getting really nervous. It was an X-ray of her chest region: Her ribs, lungs and heart. What is going on? Everything seemed hazy to me and nothing made sense. Next I took out the last and the biggest of the paper I am already dreading reading it but I need to know what the hell is going on. It was a report! A report? Whatever does she need a report for? What is going on? I looked down to see the diagnosis part: Atrial Septal Defect. That's it I closed the report without even reading the rest. How can she possibly be stupid enough to keep this from everything? This she was breathless, This is the reason that she lied, This is the thing that she was keeping from us.

I am not an idiot I know that there was something wrong but I never expected this idiocy from Laura. How could she keep this from us. How could she keep the fact that she has a heart defect, that she is fighting with life herself, that her heart isn't healthy, that it is underdeveloped. The heart that is always so kind, so generous, so forgiving, so loving. His was enough for me to cry and I didn't stop the tears because I have a hell of a reason to cry.

I looked over to the door where Laura was standing tears streaming down her face her expression guilty. She looked so vulnerable right now her usual strong demeanor evaporated at the spot but I don't care I am angry and hurt and afraid myself.

"Laura ho-how could you?" I hiccuped.

"Please Lynn I can explain," she pleaded but I wasn't having it.

"NO! you can't explain anything! How can you be such an idiot? How could you keep this from everyone?" I shouted, "How could you be so coward, so selfish-"

"DON'T CALL ME SELFISH OR A COWARD! Lynn shut the hell up," she raised her voice and the shock of seeing her angry bought me out of my anger. Now I can see the girl who I have hurt with my words more than once.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean it," I wheeled myself towards her.

"Lynn please don't tell mom and dad about this please," her tone almost sounded like.. begging as she got on her knees so that I am at eye level.

"Why Laura? How many lies are there more for us to discover?" she closes her eyes at my harsh words but doesn't say anything.

"Please Lynn it would break them I am doing this for you all."

"Then don't do it," I said in a small voice.

"Lynn please," her voice broke and that was enough for me to break as well, cried myself on her shoulder as I hugged her. She was also shaking and crying. Honestly we both have cried so much these past few days that it almost feels good to cry now.

After a few tears my eyes became dry but I didn't move because Laura was still sobbing and clutching me so I just ran my hands on her back and stared at the wall.

Have you ever wanted to cry but no tears come out so you just stare blankly into space while feeling your heart break into pieces? This is exactly how I feel right now.

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