Chapter 3

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      Chan quietly ran to shelter. He tried his best to get to his house but feared the Gashadokuro would hear him and perhaps eat him alive. And because he was new, as close by as the library was to his house, he would have trouble getting there. In fact, he already had trouble getting to the library in the first place.

   Chan panted heavily. He ran into what looked like a graveyard and cursed silently. He still heard the ringing but it was slowly fading away, so he decided to enter the scary place.

   The breeze was silent and the red spider lilies glowed in the moonlight. Their red color lighting the pathway they layed in. Chan walked a little more until he heard some rustling. He froze once again and hoped it wasn't another one of those boney creatures. He heard light footsteps get closer and he hid behind a grave. Soon, he saw a human was approaching and gave a sight of relief. That is until he saw said human had cat ears and a tail.

   "What a beautiful night~"

   He stretched. The being had light pink hair and a skinny frame. He was slightly taller than Chan and had layed lazily on the grave in front of of him. He slowly but surely got out of there and tried his best to get home.


   After a lot of wandering around, he had finally made it. Once he got past the door, he was greeted with a worried grandma and a hug that took all the air out of his lungs.

   "Hi grandma" he said trying to get some air. "Sorry I got here late"

   "Oh my sweet child are you ok?!" She said panicked. "Did something happen to you? Did you see something or were you hurt by anything?" She inspected his face.

   "Yeah I'm fine" he giggled. "But, now that we're on the topic...I did in fact see a few things"

   They sat down on the the dining table. Chan explained his experience from the very beginning and his grandma listen to every single bit. Once he was done she finally talked.

   "Chan, what you saw are Yokai. You must know about them because you inherited that curiosity from your grandpa. But be careful, as many tales as your he told you about them doing good deeds, that was a long time ago, they must have changed"

   Chan nodded.

   "Tell me, which ones did you see?"

   "Well, I'm sure I saw a Gashadokuro because of his tall, boney, skeleton frame"

   His grandma gasped.

   "But as for the other one, I'm not quite sure. He had cat ears and a cat tail, but the only Yokai that I know about that has similar features is the Nekomata. However, the Nekomata has two tails and the person I saw only had one" Chan sighed. He placed his head on his hand.

   "I think I know which Yokai you're talking about"

   She went to a bookcase in the living room and took out a book. She flipped the pages and landed her finger on one. Then, she proceeded to read out loud.

   "The Bakeneko are cats that turn into a Yokai after 7 years or longer of being raised. Other times, they turn into a Bakaneko if their brutally murdered by humans or were treated badly by them. It is said that some would turn into one to get revenge on said human. Because of this, cats that had long tails were said to bewitch humans and would often have their tail cut, especially white tails."

   "What a sad origin huh?" Chan said. He was overwhelmed by the events he had just witnessed but a part of him was very much excited and intrigued.

   "That's all for today. Go get some sleep" his grandma said when she noticed Chan's exhausted state.

   "But I don't want to go to sleep yet~" he wined.

   "Don't you remember? You have school tomorrow"

   "Already! But I just moved here!"

   "With great change comes great responsibility"

   Chan wined and headed to his room. Once his grandma saw that he was gone she sighed. She went to a picture of her passed husband and stared.

   "Oh darling, what will I do now?"


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