Dont open your eyes

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The Anuk-Ite was onto us and we only had one plan and one shot to stop him. I was scared... very scared... of what might happen. Derek and I had only been together for a couple months and needless to say he was still very defensive considering all his past relationships. Don't get me wrong, I completely understood where he was coming from and I didn't blame him at all. I blamed all of the bitches before me.

Derek and I laid in bed and I played with his soft but calloused fingers. I nuzzled my head into his neck subconsciously and sighed.
"Y/n?" Derek asked softly.
I stopped playing with his appendages and looked up at him with a questioning face.
"Why do you still choose to love me?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you still love me even though I don't say I love you, I don't show that I love you and I never give you any sort of sign that I want to be with you fully. Why do you still choose to love me even if I think I don't love you?"
"Because I know you do. I don't need words or actions or anything to know that you do love me."
"Well, in your subconscious body language. How you always sit closer to me than anyone else. How you always find yourself in my corner even if you didn't purposely put yourself there. How you always hold me close when we sleep. Or when you have nightmares your first reaction is to look for me. Those are the things that let me know." I payed for a moment before I thought of a continuation to this novel of a speech "and I want you to know that I don't blame you for your hesitation. You have PTSD, you're traumatized. It's okay. I would wait my entire life for you to become comfortable with me. I'm not going anywhere."
"Good, because I don't want you to go anywhere."
I giggled and snuggled into him.
"Goodnight Derek. I love you."

That was probably three weeks ago. When Derek and I finally had the conversation about his mental health. He seemed to be a lot more open about it now, knowing that I was here for him. I sighed as I squeezed his hand tighter, watching the school come into view.
"This is it. This is the time we end this." I mumbled to myself. I felt a tight squeeze on my hand I looked over to see Derek smiling at me.
"It's okay. We will be fine. Just keep your eyes closed and know what's true." I smiled at him and looked back at the school.
Derek let go of my hand and started to walk a separate way.
"Wait! Derek! Remember, they are going to try to reach your worst fear. I want to tell you something before they poke around in your brain."
"What is it?"
"I don't want you to open your eyes if you hear my voice unless I talk about our first kiss. Got it? I don't want you to open your eyes until I talk about the exact moment before we kissed for the first turn."
"Got it. I'll remember that."
"Good. Good luck."
"You too."
And that's when we separated.

Derek POV
I had walked with my eyes shut, using my wolf senses to guide me through the school. Soon I heard footsteps.
"Y/n?" I asked quietly.
"Derek." She gasped.
"Y/n? Is that you?"
"It's me. I'm here."
I smiled with my eyes still closed and then I remembered what she said.
"What did you tell me you'd say before I opened my eyes?"
"What?" She asked.
"You told me you'd say something before I opened my eyes. What was it?"
"Oh come on Derek. Don't play stupid games and open your eyes."
"Open your damn eyes Derek. Don't you want to look at the person who loves you?"
"I do. That's why I'm keeping them closed because you're not my y/n."
"Oh come on Derek! Don't be such a baby! You're holding back. What is wrong with you? I've been nothing but nice to you and you're still treating me like a backstabbing bitch." There was silence and them a footstep or two "But I guess they say trusting your gut is the best option because I am a backstabbing bitch."
My body jumped
"Oh, did that provoke you?" She sneered "Aww, did you really think I loved you? That I actually wanted to be with you? Oh poor little pup. No, I wanted to use you. Just like everyone else. Now, open your eyes."
"Why not Derek?"
"Because I know you're fake! You're not my y/n. My y/n loves me. She does. And whether my brain wants to think it or not, she's not trying to hurt me. She's here for real. She loves me for real and no one, not even myself, can ruin that for me."
"I am real."
"Then tell me what you were going to say to get me to open my eyes. If you get it right, I will, if not, my eyes stay closed and you're defeated. Tell me about our first kiss."
"Oh that? That's easy. It was in the forest behind your house. Easy."
"Nope, wrong. We haven't had our first kiss yet. Trick question."
I heard a scream emit from the clone and it started to fade. Then there was silence. It was gone.

Your POV
I softly walked through the halls with my eyes open and as soon as I saw movement I closed them.
"Y/n." Sang a familiar voice.
"You're not Derek." I growled.
"But I am."
"No you're not. Derek doesn't sing." I scoffed.
"Oh but I do. Just not in front of you. I don't trust you enough for that. I can't even love you, how am I supposed to trust you're it's my singing voice if I won't ever love you?"
"Derek does love me."
"No I don't. And I never will! Stop acting all smart! You know I will never love you! Just ADMIT IT!"
"I don't love you! Never have! Never will! No matter how hard you try -which is cute by the way- I won't love you."
"Derek loves me! I know that."
"Stop being so proud! I know you know that I don't love you."
"He loves me more than anything. I don't need you poking around in my head. Derek loves me and that's final. Now get out."
There was a presence absence and I knew he was gone. I had to find Derek.

I ran down the hall and heard a scream. I knew it was the monster being defeated by someone else. I followed the noise and heard breathing.
"Y/n?" I ran to him but stayed a couple feet away. "Wait, tell me what you needed to say to get me to open my eyes."
"Our first kiss?"
"Well." I started. I moved a step closer and began "it wasn't a very romantic place. It was late at night and right after a mission, we were both drained." One step closer. "I somehow gained the courage to kiss you. And our eyes were both closed so the confidence was still bubbling in me." I was now connected to him. He had his arms around my waist and my hands were on his shoulders. "I just decided to lean in and feel the vibe." I followed my words "and when I felt your breath on my lips I knew you wanted it too." I could indeed feel his breath on my lips. "So I just... went for it." I leaned in and connected my lips to his. He exhaled through his nose as he pulled me in more. The kiss was desperate and loving. We gave a string of kisses before we let each other go.
"You're real." He whispered
"And you're real." I smiled.
I opened my eyes and looked at him open his.
He looked at me for a second and then smiled.
"I love you y/n."
He said those three words. Those three words that seemed so minuscule in time but so massive in my heart.
"I love you too, Derek."

The Bite: Derek Hale x reader (One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now