15~ Mixed emotions

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I wake up with Ondre by my side. My head was laying on his chest and he was cradling me. I check my phone and it's 6am. I suddenly didn't feel so go so I jumped up and ran straight to the toilet.
"It's okay," Ondre says rubbing my back
I didn't notice him wake up.
"I'm sorry I woke you," I say coughing.
"It's fine," He says in a raspy sweet voice.
"What happened?" I say getting up and flushing the toilet.
I wash my hands and gargle water in my mouth.
"I picked you up at a party. Some boy put something in your drink and he was trying to have s*x with you. Then when we got home...," He tells me trailing off.
"What happened when we got home?" I ask and sit on the bed with him.
"Tony was with another girl. I'm so sorry Y/N," He tells me.
"I don't know what to do. Tony cheated on me and Jason let me almost get r*ped," I say. "Thanks Ondre for helping me. Your a real gentleman," I say.
"It's no problem. I'm going to talk to Tony though. I know he really like you and I want to know why he cheated on you," He tells me.
"You don't have to Ondre," I tell him.
"Well I want to. What are you going to do?" He asks me.
"I just want a break. I don't want to speak to Tony or Jason," I tell him.
"Do you want a ride to school?" He asks me.
"I actually have a internship that starts at 12 today. I have some time to sleep in," I say.
"Oh okay I'll meet you downstairs at 11:30 okay?" He confirms.
"Yeah," I say, as he gets up and goes to my door.
"Wait Ondre-," I say.
"What's up?" He asks.
"Will you stay here please?" I ask him giving him puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah of course," He says and lays next to me. "I want to get to know you more," He tells me.
"What do you want to know?" I ask him.
"Where are you from?" He ask and adjusts the covers.
"I'm from LA. I was born and raised here," I say.
"That's cool. I'm from Las Vegas," He says.
"Why did you move here?" I ask him.
"Tony and I moved here to focus on our tiktok careers," He tells me.
"That's cool," I say yawning.
"How about you sleep," He tells me.
"Okay," I say and I drift off.
I feel Ondre put his arm around me. I had mixed emotions.

I wake up at 10:30, and I look up to see Ondre walk in with a subway sandwich.
"I ordered your favorite sandwich," He says smiling, and gives it to me.
He places a bottle of water on the nightstand next to me.
"How about you shower and get ready after your sandwich," He says.
"Okay. Will you pick out an outfit for me?"
I ask him.
"Sure," He says as he goes to my closet.
I start to eat my sandwich as I watch Ondre digging through my closet.

I start to eat my sandwich as I watch Ondre digging through my closet

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How about this? Ondre says laughing the clothes out on my bed.
"Perfect," I say smiling at him. "Let me get ready," I say.
"Okay I'll be downstairs making tiktoks if you need me," He says.

I go to my bathroom and start my shower. After my shower, I decide I don't want any makeup, so I just do my hair and put my outfit on.

I go downstairs and I see Tony and Ondre filming a tiktok.
"Y/N...," Tony says. "Please can we talk?" He asks and I ignore him.
"Can we go Ondre?" I ask him.
"Sure," He says and grabs his keys.
"So now your with my brother?" Tony says and rolls his eyes.
"You don't get to say anything to me. You f*cking cheated on me Tony!" I shout.
"Only because I thought you were cheating on me!" He tells me.
"I'm not having this conversation with you Tony," I say walking out with Ondre.

I get into the car pissed off. Ondre sees that I'm mad and rubs my back.
"It's okay," He tells me. "Your alive and that's all that matters," He says.
"Yeah your right," I say, and put the address into Ondre's phone.

On the way there we listen to music and get to know each other more. We finally get there and Ondre parks.
"Thanks Ondre," I say smiling at him.
"It's no problem," He says.
My eyes move down to look at lips. I lean on and kiss him but he stops me.
"Y/N as much as I want to, I don't want to do this to Tony. I want you two to work things out," He tells me.
"I thought we had something," I say as a tear drips down.
"We do but your going through mixed emotions. I like you a lot, but I don't want to be who you come to after Tony hurts you," He says.
"Ondre your not!" I exclaim. "I just didn't see the connection until you saved me last night," I say.
"Really Y/N? I asked you to hangout multiple times but you were busy with Tony," He says.
"Please don't get mad at me. I already have everyone hating me," I tell him sobbing.
"I'm not mad and I don't hate you. I just won't be with you to make my brother jealous and get dumped right after you two makeup," He says.
"Who says we're going to makeup," I say.
"I'm not having this conversation with you Y/N We can be friends but I don't think we can ever be a thing," He tells me.

I get out of the car speechless. Everyone who I cared for hates me now. I was getting somewhere with Ondre and we were becoming friends, now he hates me. I have mixed emotions, and I don't know what to do.

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