32~ Cuddles

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Tony tickled me for ten minutes straight! I had to convince him to let him go, so I can get the blood out of my panties.

Once I was done with that, I got back in bed with Tony who was sitting there on his phone. He was looking at my tiktoks.
"Baby, I want you to ignore these haters. They are just jealous,"He says as I grab his laptop.
"I know. I don't look at the comments," I tell him opening his laptop up.
"What do you want to do mamas," He asks, setting his phone down and focusing his attention onto me.
"I want to binge a tv show or something," I say laying down.
"Do you want me to order a whole bunch of food too?" He asks as he sinks into the bed next to me.
"Yes. I want McDonald'sz. I want an Oreo McFlurry, 20 piece chicken nuggets, a large fry, oh and I also want 2 hash browns, and a Fanta," I tell him and he laughs.
"Period tingz," He says making me giggle.
"Let me order that right now. You have to share though. I'm going to also get a Big Mac,"He says and he opens his phone.
"What do you want to watch?" I ask him.
"Let's binge Star Wars," He says and I go to Disney plus.

An hour later, we are chowing on food and watching Star Wars.
"F*ck! This is so good!" I say shoving fries in my mouth.
"Better then my d*ck?" Tony says winking.
"Tony!" I'm going to lose my appetite!" I say as I snatch the Fanta that was in Tony's hand.
"Hey!" He says as I take a large gulp.
"I'm hungry and I'm on my period!" I say shoving more fries into my mouth.

I had a lot of fun with Tony, even though he got mad that I ate everything including his Big Mac. At least I saved him a few fries. I forgot about Ondre going to Las Vegas and it felt good. I'm not with Ondre anymore, why should I worry? Plus, he tried to have s*x with me when I didn't want to!

We get through a lot of the Star Wars movies and before you know it, it's 11pm. I'm in Tony's arms and my eyes start to close.
"You going to sleep baby?" He asks looking at my eyes.
"Mhm," I say as I doze off.
It feels nice being in Tony's arms. It just didn't feel right with Ondre. I feel so good with Tony though. I know Tony cheated, but I'm no better because I basically cheated on Ondre. I feel bad for Ondre, but in the end it's not my problem. Ondre will hopefully find a girl who will really love him and give him what he deserves. I just couldn't do that for him and he needs to suck it up. God my hormones make me moody and sound like a real b*tch.

Lost Without Tony LopezTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang