51~ Goodbye

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"Ondre... what happened last night?!" I say once I wake him up.
"Y/N, nothing happened, go back to sleep," He says, touching my thigh.
"No, don't f*cking touch me," I tell him, and he quickly moves his hand off of me.
"Y/N your just over reacting. Are you not sobered up?" He asks chucking.
"Get the f*ck out of my room," I say pointing to the door.
"Fine," He says standing up and walking to the door.
He shuts the door behind him, and I'm left in the room alone, depressed as ever.

I can't deal with men anymore. It's emotionally draining. I go onto twitter and what do I see? Ondre supposedly s*xually assaulted some girl, and Tony is a pedophile? F*ck I have to take a break from social media and get away from these two. I don't think I can handle this much, so I pack my bags. This is what it's come to, but hopefully I'll be back. I just need a small break. I can't keep going back to men when I'm upset.

I write a note letting Addison know where I am, and leave it on my bed. Addison basically never comes to the room anymore. She stays at her house, but in case she comes back to get her things, she will get an idea of where I am. I don't want to post or even be on social media. I've gotten harassed everyday by these boys fans, only to get my heart broken.

I get ready to go and make sure I have everything I need, including little Oliver and his things. This just isn't going to work anymore, or at least work for now.

Before I know it I'm in the car, driving to my parents house. Back again where I started. But I want to finish now, with no distractions. I don't want to cry and become a depressed girl. I want to finish my English major, because that's what makes me happy. I can't rely on anyone else anymore to make me happy. I never can after what happened. It's so emotionally draining.

I park outside of my parents home and grab Oliver. I knock on the door and they quickly open.
"I'm sorry I didn't text, can I stay here for now?" I ask, the pity in my eyes is definitely noticeable.
"Oh baby. Of course you can!" My mother says bringing me into a hug.
"Thank you," I say going inside.
I'll unload the rest of my things later.
"I'll hold Oliver. Do you want to lay down on the sofa, you don't look so good," My mother says, and I nod handing her Oliver.
"What happened?" My father asks as they sit on the sofa across from me.
"I don't really want to talk about it," I say as tears drop down from my eyes.
"Of course. If you're feeling up to it, we are going to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa later today," My mother says giving me a kiss.

Sometimes you have to look at the little things in life, like family. Just hearing my Grandmas name makes me smile.

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