39~ Telling Dre

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"Your f*cking serious? I f*cking use a condom every f*cking time! It's probably Dre's kid so don't involve in this b*llshit," He says walking off.
I run after Tony. I know it's his kid.
"Tony you didn't use protection that one time!" I say trying to get him to calm down.
"I pulled out! I'm not going to have a kid right now! Your either going to raise it on your own or get rid of it," He says getting into his Tesla and driving off.
I felt so f*cking bad, but he shouldn't have treated me like that. He knows I'm not on birth control because it can be unhealthy, so he should of been more careful. So I call Dre.

30 minutes later Dre shows up. My makeup has run down my whole face and when he sees me he just hugged me. I get into the car and he finally talks.
"What's wrong princess?" He asks wiping a tear away from my face.
"I think I'm pregnant and Tony got really mad. He left me here and said he won't help me raise the kid and I should get an abortion. He even claimed it was yours," I say sobbing.
"I'm sorry. You know Tony is just angry. He says stuff when he's mad, but doesn't mean it. You know I'll always help you raise the kid," He says put his hand on my lap.
"I shouldn't have broke up with you...," I say under my breath.
"I understood why you did it, but you can't want me just because your mad at Tony," He says and I nod.
"Yeah I know. I'm so sorry," I say as we pull into the Hype House.
"Don't be sorry. We're going to figure this out. Make a doctors appointment, I'll come with you," He says as we get out of the car.
"Okay," I say as we get into the elevator and go up to my room. "Thank you Dre. For everything. I'm sorry for bringing you into our relationship, but you always help," I say and he smiles.
"No problem. I know how my brother can be," He says as he walks me to my room.
I set my bags down and Ondre starts to walk away.
"Can you stay for a bit?" I ask him and he nods.
I pull him into my room, and lock the door. Addison isn't here, and I want this so much. I don't know why, I'm just so mad at Tony for saying that, I want to take it out on him.
"One last time please Dre," I ask and he smashes his lips onto mine.

Lost Without Tony LopezHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin