18~ Making it up to Ondre

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"I want to start of with I'm sorry...," I tell him.
"For what?" He asks me folding his arms.
"For making you feel like you were my second. I never knew you felt that way about me and I'm sorry I ignored you for Tony," I tell Ondre.
"I know. Tony always gets the attention," He tells me.
"Well you deserve it too, and it wasn't fair of me to only hangout with you because Tony and I got into an argument," I tell him with sympathy.
"So what are you going to do about you and Tony," He asks me.
"I'm going to be friendly with him... but it's not about Tony it's about you," I say. "I want to hangout with you, without talking about Tony," I tell him.
"I'd like that," He says smiling.
"So what do you want to do?" I ask him.
"Let's do something fun, like letting me teach you how to play Fortnite!" He says smiling.
"Yeah that would be fun," I say as he turns on his game console.
"Okay so take this. Move this knob to move the character, press this button to shot and press this button to jump. I'll teach you the rest while we play," He tells me.
We play and I keep dying.
"This game is so hard!" I giggle.
"Want me to show you?" He asks me.
"Yeah," I say handing him the controller.
"This is how you do it," He says killing other players.
I watch him play the whole time and near the end, he wins a victory royale.
"Yay!" I giggle.
"I won that one for you," He tells me as he sets the controller down.
He looks at me in my eyes for a minutes, and stares down to my lips. He bites his lip slowly.
"Can I just ask you something about Tony?" He asks.
"Yes?" I reply.
"Do you think you guys might get back together?" He asks.
"First off we were never together, and second off I'm considering him as a friend after what he did to me," I tell him.
"Good," He says and then smashes his lips onto mine.
I don't pull back. I don't know if Ondre and I will ever work out but it feels good taking my anger out on Tony. It feels good getting him back and distracting myself from him.
"What is this?" I say pulling away.
"I don't know," He says. "Thought you could use a distraction," He says smiling.
"Oh I see what your doing," I say, and push his head closer to mine, connecting our lips.

All we did was make out but it felt good. What if I start catching feelings for Ondre?

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