44~ Over?

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"Tony we shouldn't do this in the car," I say breaking from the kiss.
"Why not?" He asks trying to pull me down for more.
"You know what happened last time...," I say climbing off of his lap.
"Y/N why you gotta ruin everything," Tony says as I buckle myself in.
We were silent the whole ride home. We haven't been very s*xual lately, and Tony thinks it's a problem.
"Tony please don't be mad...," I say staring at the window.
"I'm not Y/N. We've just been missing something lately...," He says and I nod.
"I know," I say looking at him. "I have been feeling weird lately because of something that happened...," I say trailing off.
"What is it?" Tony asks me, still look straight at the road.
"Your going to be mad...," I say silently.
"Y/N just say it," He says angry.
"The other day after Dre picked me up from the mall, we well...," I say, and Tony knows exactly what happened. "I just need to get it out Tony! I was so mad that you treated me like a worthless sl*t! Dre didn't make me feel that way!" I shout at him.
"Well you are a sl*t! Sleeping with other guys!" Tony says angrily.
"Don't take your anger out or blame anything on your brother!" I shout at him.
Tony immediately pulls over the car.
"Go date Dre again since he's the perfect man! He's worse then me Y/N! You don't know what he's gone through and did in his past!" He shouts at me.
"Oh shut up!" I say slapping him across his face.
"Well guess what Y/N... I kissed Nikita, and I like another girl," He says to me rubbing his face.
"I f*cking hate you Tony! You ruined my life!" I shout at him getting out of the car. "We're over!" I shout at him slamming the door.
"No Y/N let's just call it a break," Tony says rolling the window down. "Can you get in Y/N? I can't leave you here," Tony tells me calmly.
"No, I'm sorry I'm to sl*ty to get in!" I shout at him.
I start to dial a number on my phone.
"Hey can you pick me up?" I say into the phone, and Tony drives off.

I hope maybe one day we could work this out. For now, we're just not in the right place.

(Guys do not worry! It's a Tony story and they will end up with each other at the end. Who do you think Y/N's calling and what do you think will happen next?! Comment below!)

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