36~ Sick days

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I have been in the new Hype House for about a week. I didn't feel well and I got in an argument with Tony, again.

This time Tony spent the whole day with Nikita and let her touch him. I'm kind of jealous but really pissed off at Tony because he didn't stop her. And when I asked him about it, he said "He felt bad and Nikita doesn't really count."

So anyways I was laying in bed and Addison was on her bed. We have gotten really close recently because our boyfriends are both f*ckboys and they both cheated on us.

I suddenly don't feel well and I run into the bathroom to throw up.
"Y/N! Are you okay!?" She asks me.
"I don't know! It's been happening for a week!" I say standing up to flush the toilet.
"Are you on your period?" She asks and I shake my head.
"No, it was suppose to start last week-," I say but realizing what she is inferring. "Wait do you think I'm...," I say shocked.
"I don't know! You need to take a pregnancy test!" She says worried.
"Tony's going to be so p*ssed so I'm not going to even tell him," I say washing my hands.
"Let's go drive to the store and get one," She says as I walk out of the bathroom.
"I'm just scared. What if I am pregnant... Tony is going to kill me!" I say crying. "What if it isn't even Tony's kid!" I say sitting on the bed.
"Wait! Your saying it might be Ondre's kid?!" Addison says shocked.
"Yeah but I doubt it. We only did it once and I asked him to stop in the middle of it. Tony on the other hand, we have done it so many times. He wears a condom-," I say but cut myself off.
"Tony forgot to wear a condom one time...," I say and start to cry more.
"It's okay! We are going to figure this out! Let's go to the store before we jump to conclusions," She says getting up and grabbing her purse.
"Okay...," I say grabbing my stuff.

I was so worried. I knew Tony didn't want a kid and I knew he was going to be so mad. We are in an argument right now! How do I tell him I think I might be pregnant?!

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