part 2

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When I got to the stream I looked around and scan the area. The stream is a little bit past the tree line, when you get closer to the stream I can see there are rocks along it on both sides, the forest floor is covered in different colored leaves, and with the light of the sun shining in between the trees it was quite a beautiful setting. You can hear the leaves blowing in the wind, along with the flowing water of the stream, besides for those two things it was really quiet, almost a peaceful quiet. I decide to sit right next to the stream as I waited for Glen. 'Too bad I didn't grab my own fishing pole, I could have been fishing by now' I though as you keep an eye out around my surroundings.

After a bit I hear something moving in the woods, as I get up to see what it was I could hear Glen yelling "Don't run off like that! If I lose you, your sister would kill me!" He sounded angry. 'I wish she would' I thought as I turn towards Glen. I walk up to him and grab one of the two fishing poles, then I walk back to the stream and start fishing.

After a while of fishing we only caught some small fish. I started to hear more noises like someone was walking but very slowly. When I looked at where the noise was coming from I saw one of the dead. The way it limped when it walked, the milky white eyes, there very pale skin, the decaying skin, exposed bone, and how they were balding was vary scary, but the most scariest thing about them was when they only speed up when they see a living thing they can eat. I looked around and to my surprised we somehow got surrounded by them!

'how the fuck did they surrounded us so fast!?' I thought as I dropped my fishing pole and started running back to the house. Before I could make it past the treeline I heard someone run up behind me, they pulled on the back of my hoodie which caused me the fall on the ground, It was Glen! As he ran ahead of me he pushed one of the dead closer to me, so when I was getting up the thing fell right on me! I had to hold it up with my left foot on it's chest, and my right on it's stomach, with my hands are on it's shoulders. The thing was desperately trying to take a chunk out of me with it's rapidly opening, and closing jaw!

I tried to look around for something blunt or sharp to kill it with, but I was failing to do so, I had to make sure the thing wasn't going to bite me! I looked around one last time and saw a baseball-sized Rock. I decided to reach for it, but I was struggling to get it because I had to keep an eye on the dead thing! I eventually got the rock and hit the thing in the side of the head with the rock! The dead thing fell off of me, so I got on top of it and hit it in the head a few more times untill it was dead!

When I got off of It. I keep a hold of the rock just in case I need it, and I start to run back to the house.

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