part 3

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As I made my way back to the house I noticed a lack of Dead people. They just randomly decrease the number. It's really strange. I would expect to see a few around the way back to the house, but there are none. 'Maybe they came out of the woods?' I asked myself as I kept running. I was trying to get back to the house as fast as I could. I'm trying to spare my sister the trouble of going on a wild goose chase. I kept ahold of the rock just in case I needed it. Even though I was starting to get tiered I kept running. I eventually make it to the house, and hurry inside. When I got inside I was out of breath and I was panting. The only thing I heard was arguing from the kitchen, they didn't notice I was here.

"I didn't mean to leave her!" Glen was faking being upset.

"Liar!" Savannah yelled. She was obviously angry.

"Look I'm sorry, she fell behind and I didn't notice!" Glen yelled back.

"You left them behind on purpose! Don't lie to me!" Savannah was furious.

"I'm sorry..." Glen was quiet.

"Whatever, I'm going to look for them myself!" Savannah bluntly said as she stomping out of the room.

I looked over to the kitchen when I hear the door swinging open. I herd everything they where arguing about. ' that lying bastard!' I thought as I thought about Glen. Soon I see Savannah rush over to me, the shock on her face says it all.

When Savannah got to me she pulled me into a hug. As I hugged her back I dropped the rock I was holding, it made a loud thud when it makes contact with the ground. Savannah flinched at the sound, but she didn't let go.

After a bit Savannah pulled away, she had tears streaming down her face and she looked worried. She looks me up and down, then finally asked "Are you ok, what happened?" She sounded worried, but she tried to ask calmly.

"I'm ok" I answered, I was glad to see her. "Glen, he pul-" I was cut off by Glen barging into the room.

"Baby I'm sorry, I didn't see her fall behind." Glen said obviously not seeing me.

"Fuck off!" I demand as I looked at Glen. Glen looked surprised to see me, I just glared at him.

"Sally sweetheart, I'm sorry I didn't see you when you fell behind." Glen was lying.

"You pulled me down so you could get away!" I yelled at him, he looked mad but he didn't say anything.

"It's ok sweetheart, we all can talk about this later. We need to go now" Savannah said calmly as she rubbed her hand up and down my right arm. I just walked off to my room to get my bag.

As I entered my room I grabbed my backpack out of the toy box. I opened my bag to see my pocket knife, water bottle, black sleeveless shirt, and a stuffed red panda in my bag. 'yep all my stuff is hear' I thought.

I put my bag on and walk out of the room. When I got back to the living room I can see Savannah not even looking at Glen, and Glen is just giving me the death glare. "Are you ready to go" Savannah asked me, she sounded like she was trying to be sweet.

"Ya, let's go" I bluntly said as I glared back at Glen.

Savannah opened the door and walked outside I followed after her. As we walked I felt Glen bump into my shoulder before catching up to Savannah. Glen started talking to Savannah. I wasn't interested in what they were talking about so I just toned it out.

Night of The Living Dead حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن