part 5

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When we got back to the mini camp Glen looked surprised to see me. No he wasn't surprised to see three new people, he was surprised to see me!

Glen looked away from me and looked at the other people. "Who are they?" he asked as he pointed at the new people.

"I'm Alexander, and this is my Little brother Joseph, and his friend Amy." He said gesturing to the kids when he said their name. "Who are you three?" He asked.

"I'm Glen, and this is my girlfriend Savannah." Glen said pointing to Savannah. "And this is her sister Sally." He pointed at me. I just gave Glen a death glare.

"I'm sorry, but I was under the impression that their name was Raven." Alexander pointed out.

"My name is Rav-" I got cut off by Glen. "I'm sorry about that, but I'm pretty sure she's just going through a phase!" Glen answered with a smile.

"Ya, ok" Alexander responded as he giving Glen a dirty look. I can tell he doesn't totally believe him.

"Come on Raven it's time for bed" Savannah said grabbing my arm and dragging me to the now lit fire. Glen walked over to the three new people to start a conversation.

When we where close to the fire Savannah turned around and looked at me. She looked mad but also worried. "What where you thinking. Why did you run off" she said loud enough for only me to hear.

"If YOU'RE boyfriend wasn't such a dick I would have never ran off!" I said loud enough only for her to hear.

"Don't blame him for something reckless you did! You have no idea how it feels to see someone you love leave out of nowhere!" She complained. I could tell she wanted to yell, but she didn't.

I just stared at her not knowing how to feel. 'What did she want me to say "ya I'll give him another chance." that's some bull crap' I thought.

"You two are never going to get along are you?" Savannah asked bluntly.

"Probably not" I coldly answered.

Savannah just walked away looking disappointed. I was mad that she didn't believe me. Glen is a bad person, why can't she see that. 'I might as well go to bed' I thought as I took off my back pack and put it down. I lay down and started to fall asleep.

(In Raven Dream)

I was one, and I was playing in the living room when my sister walked in. She was 5, she had straight, long hair. She was wearing a blue skirt with a white t-shirt, and blue and white sneakers. She looks happy. She came over to me and sat down across from me criss cross applesauce style. I threw one of the blocks I was playing with at her, it hit her in the leg. She looked at me and I smiled at her. She smiled back

That's when we start hearing arguing, I was scared. Savannah pick me up when the door flue open, it was mom. I couldn't understand what she was say, the only thing I understood was fire, run, mom, and friend. Savannah ran out of the room carrying me. She ran for the front door that was located in the kitchen. But that's where we saw it, the fire had started in the kitchen. In the kitchen the roof was starting to give out. Dad threw water on what I think was what we used as a stove. The fire just got worse. One of the pools holding up the roof in the kitchen fell on dad. He was stuck and yelling for help. Savannah just froze and I started to cry. That's when mom came to help dad. She yelled something to Savannah, but I couldn't hear her over my own crying and dad screaming for help.

Savannah ran for the back door. Thankfully the back door had nothing covering it to stop us from leaving. Savannah ran out of the house with me in her arms. As she ran I looked back at the house. The house was starting to collapse as it was engulfed in flames. I cried even louder. I buried my face in Savannah's chest, and I clung to her. I'm pretty sure I could hear Savannah start crying to. After we ran for a bit everything just started to blur together untill everything faded into a black void.

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