part 16

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I didn't sleep last night, so I was really tired this morning. No one else was up except for me. 'should I tell them about what happened?' I asked myself. 'What will Coal do to me if I did tell them!?' I don't know what to do. I felt a knot in my stomach at the thought of what he might do. I got lost in my own thoughts. I was going back and forth about if I should tell them or not, and what would happen if I did tell them. I was so distract I didn't notice anyone wake up.

"Raven?" Someone said.

The sound of someone's voice startled me. I looked up and saw it was Alexander. He sat down on the edge of my bed.

"What?" I asked as I sat up.

"Before you ask I'm not here to ask what's wrong. I wanted to see if you have any plans on how we are going to get out of here." Alexander asked.

"I don't have a plan, but I do have ideas of what could use to help us get out." I told him.

"Like what?" Alexander asked.

"There are walkie talkies in the garage, there is a hole in the wall behind the couch, and...ummm.."

"And what?" Alexander asked.

"There are guns in C-Coal's office." I answered. I tried not to think about what happened in there, but I couldn't help but feel nervous when I said his name.

"Alright. On the walk to most of are jobs we go by a supply room. They are probably keeping our stuff in there. And maybe other useful things." Alexander informed me.

"We should probably talk to the rest of the group about this." I said.

"Ya, but we should talk about it tonight instead of this morning because we will have more time to talk about it tonight." Alexander told me.

"Sounds like a plan." I smiling at him. He smiled back.

"Did you sleep last night?" Alexander sounded a bit concerned.

"A little bit, but not a lot." I answered as I hugged my knees.

"You should probably try and get some rest." Alexander told me.

"Can't, we will have to work soon." I told him.

"Alright, but get some rest when you get back." Alexander told me.

"But we are going to talk about that plan latter." I responded.

"Ya, but you kids should be back before the rest of us, so you will have time to rest." Alexander informed me.

"Oh..." I said. I would be surprised if I got here at the right time.

"Anyway, you mentioned something about Coal's office. Why were you in there?" Alexander asked me.

"I was in C-Coal's office because he wanted to talk about what happened last week." I nervously answered.

"Alrighty then. I'll be in the main room if you need me." Alexander said as he got up.

Before Alexander left he gave me a look like he didn't believe me. I wasn't lying about what I said, I just left out something for personal reasons. I laid back down on the bed and kept trying to decide if I should tell them or not. Eventually everyone starts to wake up. I could tell they all wanted to talk to me, but they kept there distance. I eventually got up and walked out to the main room were everyone else was. I sat down on one of the lawn chairs and didn't talk to anyone.

Eventually someone came to get Alexander, Glen, and Savannah. I assumed it was Cole who picked them up, but I wasn't really paying attention. I was spaced out in my own world. Eventually Selena came to get us.

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