part 10

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  We looked over twords the door and saw Alexander and Glen being dragged in with there hands tied behind their backs. The two people that dragged them in are wearing leather jacket, black pants, black boots, and motorcycle helmets. It was hard to see what they look like.

  Five more people wearing the same stuff walked in and pointed there guns at us. "Put your hand up!" One of them yelled.

  We did as they asked. I looked back over at the door and saw a man with raven black hair walk in. His hair is spiked with shaved sides, he has a beard the same color as his hair, he is really pale, and he has gray eyes. He is wearing a dress shirt, a black tie, dress pants, boots, and he has a gun holster on his belt.

  "Take there stuff and restrain them." The man commanded what what looked to be his bodyguards.

  They did as they were told. I only focused on the one coming towards me. They took my backpack and made sure there was nothing in my pockets. They found my pocket knife and through it to the side. They proceeded to restrain my hands with really thick zip ties. Then they dragged me over to the others.

  We where all on are knees. I looked around and saw Amy was crying, Joseph looks scared, Alexander was scared but he's trying to hide it, Glen is pissed, And Savannah is also pissed. I was also scared and also confused why this person was doing this.

  "Why are you doing this!" Savannah yelled at him.

  "Rule one don't yell at me, but I'll let this one time be a warning." The man told Savannah.

  He looked at all of us. "My name is Michael, but you will call me by my middle name Coal." He said

  "That didn't answer my question." Said a annoyed Savannah.

  "Ya your right. Im getting to that." Coal respond.

  "I tide you up because you trespassed on my territory, so I need to do something about that." Cola answered.

  "Just let us go!" Glen yelled at him.

  One of Coal's guard hit Glen in the back of the head with their gun. Glen fell over on his side and now is having trouble getting back up.

  "Does the boss have to go over the first rule again?" The guard asked.

Glen shook his head no. Savannah is starting to look scared. I didn't really care what happened to Glen. Honestly I had to try my best not to laugh at Glen.

  "Sorry I can't do that. What if you come back and raid my camp, or hurt my people." He told Glen

  He looked at his guards and told them. "Grab there stuff, then put them in the van." Coal demanded.

  They listened to him. They all grabbed one of us and forced us to are feet. The last person with no one had his gun ready just in case.

  As we are forced outside I made eye contact with Coal. He had a weird look in his eyes. It was different from when he was talking to us. I looked away because I was uncomfortable. I could tell there was something off when we make eye contact, but I ignored it.

  We are forced to sit in the back of the van. I look back as the door close behind us. It was dark, dark enough so no one can see each other. The only thing heard was Amy crying before the van started.

  After a bit of silence someone spoke. "So what are we going to do?" I'm pretty sure Glen asked.

  "I don't know." I'm pretty sure Alexander said.

  "Someone needs to figure out something!" I'm pretty sure Savannah said. She sounded annoyed.

  As they were arguing about what we're going to do I tried to listen for Amy crying. I slowly made my way over to where I think she is.

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