part 27

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When we made it to the garage Jet was waiting for us.

"You're not allowed to go any further!" Jet yelled at us.

"Let us go by, and no one is going to get hurt." Asher told him.

"That not true. One of you brutally murdered the boss!" Jet yelled as he pulled out his revolver and pointed it at us.

"Calm down. We aren't going to hurt anyone." Asher calmly said.

"One of you shot the boss six times with his own gun. One in the neck the other five in the head." Jet told us.

"We are just trying to leave. No one else has to get hurt" Asher told him as he moved closer to him.

"Don't come closer." Jet demanded as he aimed his gun with trembling hands.

We all put are hands up when he aimed, but Asher kept moving. This is my fault we are in this situation, I killed him. If I don't kill him we would be out of here by now.

"Just put down the gun, boy." Asher demanded.

"Don't make me sho-" jet was cut off by Asher grabbing the gun and shooting Jet in the stomach.

"Hurry, we don't have time." Asher told us as he put the gun in his pocket.

We all ran to the van. Alexander was in the passenger seat, and the rest of us are in the back. Asher opened the garage door then got into the drivers seat. Asher started the car and pulled out of the garage. As soon as we pulled out the van started getting shot at.

"So we aren't going to do that plan anymore?" Glen asked.

"Just get the fuck down. We are going to have to ram the gate." Asher told us.

"I thought that door was made out of steel or something!" Alexander was panicked.

"The old fence was a chain link fence. They kept the original door but changed the lock, so technically yes." Asher answered.

"Im trying to focus on not getting hit, so if you all could be quiet, and get done that will be great." Asher was annoyed.

We all did as we where told. More and more bullets rained done on the van. Bullets eventually broke the windows. A bullet hit Alexander in the shoulder. He gassed in pain, but he didn't say anything. The car sped up and hit something. We didn't question it, but I think we all assumed it was the gate.

After a while the bullets stopped flying, but we still waited a minute before we got up. When I got up I saw Savannah, Candy, and I are in the back seats. Joseph, Amy, and Glen are in the middle row. And last Asher, and Alexander are up front.

"That was crazy." Glen said.

"Crazy yes, but it worked." Asher responded.

"I hope we never have to do that again." Savannah complained.

"I hope we don't have to be in a place like that again." I said.

I saw Candy shake there head in agreement. I also saw Savannah look at me worried, but she understands why I said that. After awhile of driving we all moved around so we are more comfortable. Amy, Joseph and I are sitting in the middle row. Savannah is trying to stop the bleeding frome Alexander's arm in the back row. Candy and Asher are up front. last we through Glen in the trunk.

I started to feel how hungry I actually am when Amy started talking about all the food they made in the kitchen. I just smiled and nodded along as I tried to ignore the pain in my stomach.

"Can you be quiet about food. Your making me hungry." Glen whined.

"Shut up Glen!" Savannah, Asher, and Alexander yelled at the same time.

After a bit we had to move the food to the back seat because Glen tried to eat it. After some time most people fell asleep. Asher, and I are the only ones up when the sun started to come up.

"How are you feeling Kid?" Asher asked me.

"I don't know." I answered as I looked out the window.

We are back in the woods. The trees are a mixture of pine trees, and the type with leaves on them, the ground is covered with different colored leaves, and the sun shining through makes it such a beautiful sight to see. We are on the road that goes strat thought the woods.

"How do you feel about what happened to Cole?" Asher asked me.

"He deserved it." I bluntly said. I didn't take my eyes off the forest.

"Ya he did, but you should try to not let your emotions get the better of you when you kill someone." Asher told me.

"I know, but I couldn't help myself." I bluntly ansered.

"This last week has been a crazy week." Asher said.

"Don't remind me about this past week." I told him.

"Didn't plan on it." Asher told me.

"Thanks." I thanked him as I felt a pin in my stomach again.

"I wish I wasn't so hungry." I wined as I held my stomach.

"When was the last time you ate?" Asher asked.

"When you gave me that bag of chips, but I haven't ate anything before that and I kinda threw up earlier." I answered.

"When we find a house to stop as everyone can eat." Asher seemed a bit worried.

"I hope that's soon." I said.

We sat in silence for a minute before I spoke again. "Was it my fault?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Asked a worried Asher.

"If I didn't kill Coal you wouldn't have to shoot Jet, the van wouldn't have got shot at, and Alexander wouldn't have a bullet in his shoulders." I pointed out as my head hung low.

"No it's not your fault. I would have killed Cole anyway." Asher told me. I didn't say anything back.

"If Coal didn't put you in that situation I wouldn't have to shoot Jet, Alexander would be fine, and the van would be fine. So if you want someone to blame, blame Cole." Asher was a little annoyed.

"How can you blame a dead person for something you did." I asked.

"I don't know, but it wasn't your fault."Asher told me.

"Just trying and go to sleep. You've had a long day." Asher added.

"Don't you mean yesterday because it's already day." I smile.

"Ha ha very funny. If you don't go to bed soon I will put you in the truck with Glen." Asher jokingly said.

"Fine, but you better wake my up when we stop." I asked him.

"Will do." Asher responded.

I looked at all the different colors of leaves go by the window. As I watched the leaves I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Night of The Living Dead जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें