part 11

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 (TRIGGER WARNING!: There is a heavy amount of violence in this chapter, so if you can't handle that you should go to the next chapter.)

When I woke up the next day only the blue haired kid was in bed asleep. I tried to be quiet as I walked out of the room, so I didn't wake them. Amy, and Joseph where in the main room.

  "Where did the others go?" I asked.

  "Coal took them somewhere. He also said someone will be over to get us soon." Joseph said. He seemed like he doesn't trust this place.

  "Ok then." I said as I sat down beside Amy.

  We talked as we waited for someone to come for us. Eventually the other kid joined us in the main room. They sat near us, but they didn't talk to us. They looked like they where staring off into space. After a bit more of waiting Selena opened the door.

  "Alright brats, let's go." Selena sternly said.

  We all got up and started to follow her, but she stopped us before we could leave the room.

  "I almost forgot that Coal asked me to ask you three a few questions." Selena said looking at me, Amy, and Joseph.

  "Like what?" Joseph asked.

  "Let's start off with names, age, and gender." Selena said. Joseph and I gave each other a look of distrust.

  "My name is Amy, I'm nine, and I'm a girl." Amy sounded happy to answer her questions.

  Selena wrote that down on a piece of paper she pulled out of her pocket. She then pointed at Joseph and said. "What about you?"

  "I'm Joseph, I'm eleven, I am a boy." Joseph answered. It seems like he didn't want to answer, but he couldn't find a way out of it.

  Selena continued to write stuff down then she pointed at me. "What about you?" she asked

  "My name is Raven, I'm ten, and my gender is none of your business." I said the last part with a attitude. She didn't really appreciate the attitude, but she didn't say anything about it.

  "Alright, I'll just ask you three the rest of the question later." Selena told us. She sounded a little annoyed.

  She proceeded to turn around and walk away, and we follow right behind her. She eventually stopped at a door labeled kitchen.

  "Joe, and Amy you two are going to be working in the kitchen today" Selena said looking at them.

  Joseph was annoyed by his new nickname, and Amy notice and she wasn't too happy about the nickname either, but they both kept quiet. Selena opened the door for them and they walked in. Soon after we continued walking. Eventually we made our way to a big room with a giant metal garage door, yellow, and white marking on the floor, trucks, some are empty and some are not, and there are a bunch of people in this room.

  "Raven, Candy you two will be helping the boys here work on vehicles, load, and unload stuff." Selena told us.

  After she was done talking a man walked over to us, he is white, had no shirt on, ripped blue jeans, a gun holster on his belt with a revolver in it, and black boots. His hair is brown, mess comb over, and blue eyes.

  "Hello lady. How can I help you." The man asked Selena. He sounded like he had a British accent.

  Selena start blushing because she was looking at the abs the man had. She looked like a tomato.

  "Do you need something fixed or what?" He asked again

  "Y-ya, I'm just here to drop off Candy and Raven to help you." Selena answered with a smile.

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