part 34

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When I woke up I was alone. I felt vary nervous being alone. I tried to pushed my nerves aside as I sat up. I have mostly forgotten what happened last night. All I know is Joseph doesn't have an arm, and I killed Alexander. I looked around and saw my hoodie on the end of the bed. I reached over and grabbed it. I got up and put my hoodie back ok. Even though my legs still hurt I walked over to the window, and looked outside. It looked to be mid-day, but it could be later.

"Who let me sleep for so long?" I asked myself as I walked away from the window.

I made my way over to the door, and walked out of the room. It was almost quiet in the hallway, but little sobs could be heard from the room next door. I'm pretty sure it was Amy. Knowing I'm the one who cause this I decided not to bug her. I didn't want to make it worse. I decided to make my way down stairs. Asher and Joseph are the only ones in the living room. Joseph is laying on the couch sleeping, and Asher is sitting in a chair. Joseph looks pail, and tiered.

"How are you feeling?" Asher asked me.

"I'm fine." I answered.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked.

"Savannah and Glen are out looking for supplies. They are mostly looking for medical supplies. Amy is up in her room, and Candy disappeared to I don't know where." Asher answered.

"Did you look for them?" I asked.

"I only searched fare enough that I could still see Joseph. Unfortunately that was only the living room, and up the stairs." Asher answered.

"Could you go look for them?" Asher asked.

"Ya." I answered.

"How is Joseph?" I asked.

"If he didn't tern by now I don't think he will, so he's doing ok. He is still out cold from blood loss, and probably shock." Asher answered.

"I hope he forgives me for what I done." I quietly told myself.

"Don't tell me your believing what Glen said." Asher seemed concerned.

"I killed him, didn't I?" I asked.

"Yes, but also no. As we moved the body outside we found a bit mark on one of his hands." Asher answered.

"Oh..." I quietly said to myself.

"I wonder why he didn't tell anyone." Asher questioned.

"Guess that's something he's taking to his grave." I told him with a sad smile.

"True." Asher small back. "Anyways, you should probably look for Candy now."

"Ok." I said before I started looking.

I decided to look in the kitchen first. The walls are a saturated green, black and white checkered floors, the ceiling has caved in, and there is nothing else. The room is completely empty besides for the pieces of roof. I wasn't going to look any further beyond the door, because Candy is smart enough to know they shouldn't hid in rebel. I made my way out of the kitchen, and walked over to the front door. I stepped outside and instantly I was hit by a cold breeze. Even though it was mid-day it was freezing out. I wouldn't be surprised if it started snowing.

I walked over to the van thinking that Candy might be in there. I opened the passenger door and looked around. I didn't find Candy, but I did remember something in the glovebox. I opened the glovebox to reveal a still intact Red Panda. I quickly took the Panda and put it in my hoodie pocket.

I got out of the car, and walked to the back of the house. There was a big back yard. In the upper right corner of the yard is a shed that looks like a miniature barn. I walked over to the shed. When I knocked on the door I saw a red, and black bird fly out of a window on the side of the shed. Assuming it was safe to go inside I opened the door. The inside had two stories. The second story is visible from the first floor. The walls are wood, the floor is dirt, there are hey bills going along the right and back wall, and planters along the left wall. I couldn't see what was on the second story. Candy is sitting on one of the hay bales looking at the ceiling of the first floor. I walked over to them to see what they are looking at. There is a slanted beam with a bird's nest on it, underneath the second floor.

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