part 19

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(In Raven's Dream)

I was in a place that everything around me was white. I walked around not know where to go.

"Anyone here?" I asked. But no one responded.

I kept walking. Eventually the white had started to fed into a gray, then a black.

"Why did you lie to us!" Someone asked.

The person talking sounded close, but I couldn't find them.

"Cole did nothing to you!" Another voice Yelled.

I started to run though what was now a endless void. I herd voices everywhere they were saying stuff like liar, Cole didn't do anything, we should leave you here, why did you lie to us!

Soon i tripped over basically nothing. When I fell I was looking at the ground with my hands up to my ears. I started crying. The voices didn't stop. They got louder and more harsh with their words. They started saying things like you should die, no one will miss you, leave, go away, no one loves you, why would anyone lover you tranny ass, your parents would be disappointed in you.

"STOP!" I cried, but they didn't stop. I stay there crying on the ground not know what to do.

"No, no, no, no." I repeated over and over again.

The voices just kept on getting louder and louder. I couldn't even hear myself cry that's how loud they were. But out of nowhere the voices stop.

"I want to go home." I cried.

"You aren't going anywhere. You are my new toy and you will listen to me!" someone said in my ear.

The last sentence they said repeated it's self inside my head. Its like the words are haunting me. Not before long the ground disappeared beneath me and I fell. As I fell the voices started getting louder again. Before I hit the bottom I blacked out.

(End of dream)

I jolted awake. I was already siting up. I tried to move, but something was stopping me. Suddenly I could feel my heart pounding against my chest, I felt like I couldn't breathe, Im shaking, and everything feels hot all of a sudden. I tried to get away but whatever was stopping me from moving had a strong grip on me. I felt like I was going to die if I didn't get out.

"No need to panic. I'm just holding you." Someone sounded worried. It sounded like Alexander.

I didn't really pay attention to what he said or anything around me. I was still trying to get out. I struggled to get out of his grip.

"You should let them go. This is kind reminding me of the other night." Someone else said. It sounded like Savannah.

"Ya, we don't want them blacking out again." Alexander agreed as he let go.

When he let go of me I hid under the bed. My knees are up to my chest, I started crying, and my hand are over my ears. What that person said in my dream still lingered in my mind.

"Do they usually have bad dreams like this?" Alexander asked.

"They hade bad dreams before, but nothing like this." Savannah answered.

"It might be best to leave them to cool down." Alexander said.

"Ya, but there has to be a way to help them." Savannah was worried.

"Possible, but right now isn't the best time to figure that out." Alexander told her.

They both walked out of the room. After I don't know how long I calmed down. I didn't have my hands on my ears anymore, but I am still hugging my knees. I felt so tired and a little hungry. I stayed under the bed because I didn't want to move. I started to doze off, but before I could fall asleep I heard someone opened the bedroom door.

"Raven?" Someone asked. I'm pretty sure it's Asher.

"Y-yes" I quietly asked.

I herd him walk over to the bed. He looked under the bed and we made eye contact. He looked worried.

"Are you ok" Asher asked as he crawled under the bed.

I shrugged and looked away. I feel tired, but besides for that I don't know how to feel. I looked back at him and thought for a minute. 'what is he doing here?'

"Shouldn't you be down in the garage?" I asked as I gave home a confused look.

"I should, but you didn't show up. I came to make sure you were here." Asher answered.

"How long have I been in here!?" I was little panicked and worried.

"No one else is in here besides for us, and you haven't shown up at the garage for almost an hours." Asher ansered.

I looked at him surprised. 'why did no one comes get me!' I thought.

"Don't worry you don't miss anything important. It's been a slow day. It been so slowly that dad gave us the day off." Asher said.

"That's great." I yawn.

"Let's go back my room. Your clothes are there." Asher told me as he crawled out for under the bed.

I followed after him. Before I stood up I saw Asher offering his hand. I grabbed his hand and stood up. I held onto his hand as we walked out of the holding cell, and the whole way to his room. He opened the door and we walked in.

"Your clothes are on the bed. I'll be outside the room if you need me. By the way the laundry person did try to get the blood out. Most of it came out, but there is still a light staind." Asher informed me before closing the door.

I walked over to the bed and saw my hoodie, and pants neatly folded, and my shoes right next to them. I took off the sweater, and the pants I had on. Then I put my hoodie, jeans, and shoes back on. I grabbed the sweater and pants and I put them on the bed.

"You can come back in!" I yelled.

Asher opened the door and walked in. He made sure to close the door before walking over to me.

"We still have time left, so what do you want to do." Asher asked me.

"You said you are working on a car, right?" I asked.

"Yes I'm working on a van. Let me guess your going to say we can work on the van?" Asher asked.

"Yep." I said with a smile.

"Alright, but we have to go to the storage closet first to get some parts." Asher said.

"That's fine." I said as we walked out the door.

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