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|The next day|

"You good" Dino asked Erica,she nodded her head slowly. "Can you tell me now" she sighed "I've been having dreams like that since I was young, it's been a years since I had them and now they just popped back up out of no where" she said as she looked down at her tablet reading.

"It's nothing to serious, they will go back away" she told him.

"You sure about that" she nodded "they always go away" she told him. He didn't want to bother her much about it cause he knew she would get upset so for now he will let it go.

He loved his wife, they still haven't went got married but hopefully soon it would happen he thought.

"I gotta go get the kids" she said as she got up off the couch. "You want me to come" he asked "Nah it's okay" he nodded

"Well I'm going to my bro house" she nodded. While she walked out the door he went to go get his jacket and keys then went to go get in his car driving to his long time friend house, this was someone he grew up with . they moved to Atlanta and they saw each other one day and began to hang out.


He knocked on the door "who is it" he heard a female say, the voice sounded so familiar. "Dino" the door opened and there stood someone he use to mess with when he was selling drugs. He looked up and down at her and to him she looked amazing better then what she use to look before "keisha" he said with a sumwhat smile on his face "Dino" she replied they hugged "how you been" she asked.

"Oh I'm good you know, chilling doing better" he replied "you got a family? A girl?" His mind went blank "Nah ... I mean yeah but-" she smirked "but what" "nun but wassup why you here" she moved to the side so he could come in. "My sister go with your friend so of course I came with" he nodded

"So do you got a girl" she asked with a smiled on her face "yeah I'm married" "oh for real" he nodded "well that's to bad, when jay told me that you was here I was hoping that we could get back good with each other.. you know" he was so caught up he didn't even notice her hand in his pants. "Damn girl" as much as he wanted to say no, he couldn't.

His mind was saying no but sum else was saying yes. "Ohh I see your ready for me" she kissed his lips. "We can't do this" he said as he tried to get up. "Come on what she don't know won't hurt her" it had been a while since erica and Dino has sex and he was ready for sum.

The girl stood up before him and stripped out of her clothes "so what you say" this was going to be the biggest mistake he ever made in his life.



Dino walked slowly in to the bed room trying not to wake erica, but she was already up and ready to beat his ass. "Where you been" she sat up looking at him. She stood there froze "my bad baby, I was out having fun with my bro" he lied "well next time you text me and let me know that then" she said with a attitude, she flipped the covers on her and tried to go to sleep. Dino always made sure to let her know what was up if he was out late with his friend and sum just didn't feel right to her, so of course she didn't want to fight so she just had let it go for now,hoping he was telling the truth.

She tried to go to sleep but she then felt her self getting emotional for some reason,she felt hands wrap around her, then a kiss on her cheek. "I love you" she heard Dino say. She didn't reply she just had faked like she was sleep.

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