chapter fifteen

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The term was passing ridiculously slow. Draco had been ignoring me ever since he found Cormac and I in the corridor a few weeks ago. This was annoying however it did mean Cormac was being less protective. I was spending most of my time with Tracey alone as Cormac seemed to have quidditch practice quite often recently, which I wasn't shocked at considering there was a big Gryffindor vs Slytherin game coming up soon.

It was a Friday night and so there was a small get together in the Gryffindor common room, me being one of the only Slytherins there but nobody minded as I was Harry's sister.

I was sat on a sofa with my back to the arm and my legs over Cormac's lap as I mindlessly played with his hand, intertwining ours together every so often. I'd felt slightly distant from Ron and Harry as of recent so wasn't really paying attention to the conversation that was going on between the group. There was some music playing and butterbeer and fire whisky was being passed around, but it was yet to make its way over to me.

The golden trio were sat in front of us on their own sofa. I appreciated that Cormac made the effort with my friends but literally all they had in common was quidditch, and that was the last thing I was interested in talking about.

"Anyone fancy a drink?" Seamus walked over to us, interrupting the boring conversation.

"Butterbeer for me, thanks." Harry replied, taking a cup off of him.

"Me too." Ron added, mirroring Harry's actions.

"No thank you, Seamus." Hermione replied, which didn't surprise me.

"I'm good, thanks. Got practice tomorrow." Cormac answered, leaning back and putting his free arm around me.

"I'll have a butterbeer too." I piped up. Cormac squeezed my hand, so I turned to look at him. He gave me an almost scolding glare as if he didn't want me to have a drink. This enlightened a spark of anger in me as I didn't feel like he had the right to tell me off for such a thing. "Actually, I'll have a fire whisky." I corrected myself.

"That's more like it!" Seamus cheered, pouring me a drink and handing it to me. I swung my legs off of Cormac and released our hands, taking the drink from Seamus. Cormac rolled his eyes and stood up, walking over to a few of his friends at the other side of the common room causing me to smirk.

It was now around 10pm and I had had too much to drink to care about passing curfew. Ron and I were playing our own game of truth or dare as we were both a lot giddier than everyone else.

"Truth or dare?" I smirked at Ron who was sat next to me.

"Truth!" Ron replied, adding a hiccup at the end.

"Who's your favorite sibling?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

"Well if I don't say you, you'll hex me." He chuckled.

"Correct!" I laughed along. It made me happy when the Weasleys truly considered me part of their family.

"Truth or dare?" He questioned in a low voice, attempting to be spooky.


"I dare you to go and give Cormac a fright." Ron replied.

"Wooow, Ron. What a vicious dare." I remarked, hitting him in the stomach.

"Fine! I dare you to give him a fright, and if it fails. You owe me a butterbeer next time we are in Hogsmeade." Ron added. I rolled my eyes but stood up nonetheless. I scanned the room for Cormac and eventually my eyes landed on him in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall and talking to Hermione.

I made my way over to him and started creeping up on him the closer I got. Hermione noticed me so I brought my finger up to my lips to hint what I was doing. I was right behind Cormac and about to pounce before I soon zoned in on their conversation.

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