chapter forty six

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this bitch is always crying I'm sorry lmfao

I hadn't spoken to Draco all day after discovering that he had accidentally poisoned Ron. I had no idea what to say, I was upset with him for being so careless however didn't want to put any more pressure on him.

After our classes for the day finished, I made my way back to our dorm before dinner.

"Are you just going to continue the silent treatment?" Draco mumbled as I sat down on the bed.

"I've got nothing to say to you right now, Draco." I sighed, looking down at my feet.

"Do you really think this is what I need right now?" He shot at me carelessly, causing my body to jolt slightly. "I'm trying my best."

"I know you are," I responded. "But you almost killed my brother."

"Oh, so now he's your family?" Draco scoffed, folding his arms. "Do I need to remind you of the events that took place last year?"

"That doesn't mean I want him dead." I argued back, feeling a new emotion that I'd not felt for Draco in a long time – anger. I had been babying him for months and helping him with everything and he was angry at me for being upset for Ron almost dying. "You didn't even tell me you were planning on poisoning Dumbledore."

"Because I knew you'd try to stop me." Draco replied.

"Doesn't that tell you enough?" I fought, standing to my feet in front of him. "You knew it was a bad idea."

"Merlin, you're suffocating me, Amelia!" Draco shouted, enraged. He immediately regretted his words as tears brimmed my eyes. I looked down, embarrassed that he'd managed to upset me when I had been standing my ground well.

"I-I am trying to help you, Draco." I mumbled under my breath. "I just want what's best for you."

"What makes you think you know what's best for me?" Draco spoke quietly. His words stung into my heart like tiny needles as I looked up at his angered face and a tear slipped my eye. I tried to speak, but no words would leave my mouth. I choked slightly before exiting quickly, no idea where I was going.

I kept my head down so no one could see the waterfall of tears that were escaping my eyes. I wished Draco had told me long ago that this was how he felt, at least then I could have avoided becoming so in love with him.

Dinner was nearing so I headed for the library, assuming it would probably be relatively quiet. My breath was quickening, and my heart was racing as I began to feel quite faint. I turned a corner and sat on a window ledge, trying to calm myself down. A loud sob escaped the back of my throat, so I quickly covered my face with my hands.

"Amelia?" A small voice came from a few meters away from me and I instantly recognized it.

"Ron." I sighed, looking up at him. We kept eye contact with each other for a few moments, my eyes wide with happiness to see him in good health whilst he had an almost scared expression on his face as he was unsure of how to act. Without thinking, I stood to my feet and wrapped my arms around him to which he quickly returned. "I'm so glad you're alive." I sobbed quietly.

"I'm glad too." Ron chuckled slightly. "Why are you crying?" He continued as we let go of each other's embrace.

"I... I just- "I began but couldn't come up with what to tell him.

"I get it." He nodded as it fell silent once again.

"I've got to go." I whispered, quickly rubbing the tears off my cheeks with my sleeves and heading off to the great hall. I was so happy to see Ron; I had missed him so much however I couldn't allow myself to get attached to him.

I took a few deep breaths before entering the great hall and heading straight over to the Slytherin table, sitting down next to Tracey. She greeted me and continued her conversation with the rest of the group whilst my eyes searched for Draco, but he was nowhere to be seen.

My eyes landed on Ron who was approaching Harry. My eyes widened when I realized Harry was stood talking to Katie Bell. Harry's head turned and I traced his gaze to the entrance of the hall where Draco stood with a scared expression on his face, paler than usual.

"What's up with him?" Tracey questioned me but I ignored her. Draco glanced at me momentarily before turning right back around and exiting as quick as he entered. I watched as Harry thought to himself for a moment before following Draco out. What on earth was going on?

My mind was racing as I was trying to decide whether to follow or not, but my worry gave in as I stood to my feet and chased them out. I was on Harry's tail as I only caught glimpses of him turning corners until they reached the boys bathroom.

I heard spells being thrown back and forth and glass smashing causing my feet to quicken until I was basically running.

"Sectumsempra!" I heard Harry's voice shout before it fell silent and I stopped in my tracks right outside of the bathroom. I furrowed my eyebrows as I had never heard that spell before, before rushing inside.

The floor was soaking wet and I heard Draco's soft cries from across the bathroom. I ran towards the noise and collapsed at his side. Blood was spilling from his chest, through his white shirt and mixing with the puddles on the floor.

It began to feel hard to breath as I reached down and grabbed his face. He continued to sob, almost lifeless on the floor. My heart was breaking seeing him in this state.

"Draco, stay with me." I let out a dry sob as I was clueless on what to do. I looked up and saw Harry stood there, clearly shaken after what he had just done. My hands and clothes were covered in Draco's blood when Snape came rushing through the door. Snape began mumbling a reverse spell on Draco, slowly healing his wounds.

I caught Harry making a quick exit while he could, and my veins filled with fury. I looked down at Draco's chest, seeing that the spell was working before rushing after Harry.

"You prat, Harry!" I screamed, grabbing my wand ready to fight him. "Confringo!" I shouted, but it was no use. Harry was much better at magic than me and he easily defended himself whilst completely ignoring me. "Fight back!" I continued to scream. Heads were turning as I was rushing through the halls covered in blood whilst Harry acted as though I wasn't even there.

"Leave it, Amelia!" Harry responded as I continued to attempt to shoot spells towards him. I eventually gave up, letting Harry continue through the halls whilst I stood there like an idiot.

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