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I knock on my fathers office door then I press my ear against it to listen for him. I don't hear him so I decide to go in. I slowly open the door and see him sitting at his desk on the phone.

"What? Are you sure? No. Okay. Yes I will. Keep me updated Dave." He hangs up.
Dave is my fathers best friend. Practically his brother, we call him Uncle Dave. He's been around my whole life and is like "the cool uncle" to me and my twin brother, Julian.

"Dammit!" My fathers curses before looking up and realizing I'm there. "Hi Katelyn. I'm sorry. I didn't hear you come in."

"Hi dad. It's fine. Is everything okay?" I ask him softly.

"Yes sweetheart, everything is fine. Can you please just get your mother for me?"

I nod and go to my parents bedroom to get my mother.
She walks out of their bathroom as I walk into the room.

"Hi Katelyn." She smiles warmly.

"Hi momma. Dad needs you in his office. He's sounds... upset. Is there something going on?" I ask her.

She smiles again but it doesn't quiet reach her eyes. "Everything's fine honey. Your fathers just working some thing out."

I can tell she's nervous and not telling me the whole truth but I don't push it. "Ok mom, I'm going to go see Julian."

I go down the hall to my twin brothers room and I knock on the door.

"Come in."

I open the door and sit on the edge of his bed. He looks up from a book that's he's reading. Some comic book.

"Hey sis. What's up?"

I shrug. "I think somethings going on. I walked in on dad and he seemed upset about something. But neither him or mom are saying anything." I explain to him.

He sighs. "Y0u need to learn to just trust them." He says before going back to reading his book.

"Yeah I guess you're right." I sigh and walk out of his room.

Their my parents and Julian is right I should trust them. They'll always do what's best for me.

I decide to go lay down in bed since the sun is setting and I'll decide what to do about all of this tomorrow.

I close my eyes and after a little while I fall asleep.


I'm woken up by someone banging on my bedroom door. I always lock it when I go to sleep, I'm not sure why I've just done that forever.

I get up and unlock my door. I glance at my window seeing it's still dark out. I turn back to my doorway and see my mom.

"Mom what time is it? What's going on?" I ask her.

"Honey you need to pack a pack of your most prized possessions. Somethings going on and we will explain it to you but you need to hurry." She says worriedly.

I do what she says grabbing a duffle bag from my closet. I put in my stuffed bear that I've had since I was little, my picture frame with a picture of my family, my wallet, my laptop, and some clothes. Then I zip it up and go to the living room where my brother is standing with a similar duffle bag to mine.

"Julian what's going on." I ask him.

"I don't know sis but I think it's bad."

My parent come rushing into the living room.
"Kids. I have to tell you something. We've been really behind on bills for a few years now and about a year ago I asked for some.. help. I got a connection but now I think I may have endangered my family. I don't know how I let it get this far. I'm sending you two each to one of my.. friends for your safety, until we get this sorted out." My father explains.

"Your splitting us up?" Julian asks.

"It's safer that way." My mom answers him.

Me and Julian meet eyes. He quickly comes over and hugs me. "Everything is going to be ok." He tells me softly. I didn't even realize I was crying until he wipes a tear off my cheek. "Don't cry Katie, this will all be over soon. Dad will sort it out, ok?"

I nod and play his words over in my head trying to convince myself that, that's the truth.

"Your car is here sweetheart." My dad says before he and my mom pull me into a hug. "You're staying with the Greens they'll take good care of you." He tells me before walking me out to a black suv that has extremely tinted windows.

I climb into the back seat as my dad tells the driver to get me straight there and to let him know when I'm dropped off. I say goodbye again and I hold my tears back until we turn off our street. Then I don't hold back I let them pour out as I sob not knowing what the hell just happened.


"Ms. Jones?"

I open my eyes to see the driver of the car standing outside my opened car door. I rub my eyes adjusting to the dark night.

I sit up and turn to him. "What's your name?" I ask. "Tony. I'll probably be your driver whenever you go somewhere. Although considering the circumstances.. that probably won't be too often." He tells me.

I nod and climb out of the car. He carries my bag up to the door for me and then knocks.
An older woman answers the door.
"Ms. Green, this is Katelyn Jones." Tony tells her. "Hello Katelyn." She says sweetly. "Maxwell! Come get her bag!" She yells into he House. A boy who seems maybe a year younger than me comes to the door and grabs my duffle.

"Katelyn right?" He asks as I step inside the house. "Kate is fine." I tell him. I gasp looking around. Their house is huge. It looks to be at least 3 story's with an elegant chandelier in the foyer.

"Well Kate, your room's right upstairs come with me."

I follow him up the first set of stairs and down a hall. Two doors down he opens a door and it leads to a huge bedroom that has a walk in closet and it's own bathroom.

"Wow." I say surprised.

"Your dad told my brother that he wanted what's best for you, so if there's anything you need we'll arrange it." He says setting my bag down on a couch in the room.

I think about my dad. Even when times are hard I was still his little girl.

"I'll let you get settled in I know you're probably tired it's almost 4am." He says giving a quick nod before leaving me alone.

I go to the bed and pull the cover up getting under it. I lay my head down on the pillow and it feels like a cloud. The sheets are all silk.

I really feel like I became a princess over night.

Princess Over NightWhere stories live. Discover now