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1 month later

Me, Lauren, Max, and his new girlfriend Elle are all sitting in the living room. Lauren is about to take me to a doctors appointment to see how the baby is doing, and the others take another car. There's still been no word from Slater but Max has a team trying to find him.

"Ready?" Lauren asks me.

I nod and we get in the car and drive to the doctors.

When we get there I'm surprised to see Julian and my parents in the waiting room. Tears roll down my cheeks and I quickly run over to them. My mom and dad wrap me in a hug. And then I hug Julian.

"Still no word?" He whispers.

"No." I say as another tear rolls down my cheek. He wipes it away and pulls me into another hug. "It'll be ok sis."

"Katelyn Jones?" a doctor calls.

I nod and follow her and my mom comes with me.

"How are you Katelyn?" The doctor asks as we go into a room.

"I'm.. im good." I say giving her a small smile.

She nods and tells me to sit on the bed.

"Is the father of the baby here?" She asks getting some stuff ready.

"Um.." tears fill my eyes but I blink them away, "no he's not." I finish.

"I'm sorry to here that. I'm going to put some cool gel on your stomach, can you lift your shirt for me?"

I nod lifting my shirt above my stomach. She puts the gel under bellybutton. My stomach is a bit bigger but it's not too noticeable.

She slides a device over my stomach and we look at a screen.

"There you can see the hands, and feet, and the head and face." She says pointing at the screen. 

"Oh my goodness." I say completely awestruck.

"So you're just about 12 weeks or 3 months along. You'll be able to find out the sex of the baby in about a month, month and a half." She tells me.

"It's so little." I say still staring at the screen.

"Are you mom?" The doctor asks my mother.

"I am." My mom replies.

"You have a beautiful daughter I can see she gets her looks from you. But the baby is healthy and looks to be doing great." The doctors tells her. My mom thanks her and looks over at me and smiles.


After the appointment I'm craving Chik-Fil-A so Max drives me there after I say goodbye to my parents and he says goodbye to his girlfriend. I also tell Lauren that her and Julian can come by tomorrow if they want.

"What the doctor say?" Max asks me.

"Well she said I'll be able to know the gender in about a month, month and a half." I tell him.

"That's great. Are you going to have a gender reveal?" He asks.

I raise my eyebrows.


"I'm just surprised you know what that is." I tell him.

He rolls his eyes. "I do plan on having kids one day." He tells me.

"That's good. You'll be a good father." I say quietly.

"We'll find him Katelyn."

I nod looking down at my lap.

"I think I am going to have a gender reveal." I tell him and he nods.

"I'll tell Lauren, her and Elle will love to get that set up." He says smiling.

"So are you two getting serious?" I ask.

He orders the food from the drive through then pulls up to the second window.

"Yeah I think we are honestly. I like her a lot. She sweet, beautiful, kind, and I don't know... there's just something about this girl." He tells me.

"You've fallen for her Max Green." I say teasingly.

"What.. no.. I haven't." He tried to deny it.

"Sure sure." I say and he sticks his tongue out at me before grabbing our food.

"So childish." I say taking my sandwich out of the bag.


A few days later I'm stuck in the movie room with Max and Julian while Lauren and Elle are downstairs planning the gender reveal. I'm still about a month away from knowing the gender but they insist on planing a perfect gender reveal.

I groan as the boys turn on Indiana Jones. We've already watched two Star Wars movies and now this.

"Can I pick a movie now?" I ask.

They look at each other before looking at me.

"Fine." Max says handing me the remote.

"She's going to pick some girly movie." My brother tells him.

I chose 'What a Girl Wants' and they groan. I smile and hit play.


After watching a few more movies the girls come up and say that I can hang out with them again.

The three of us go to my bedroom and sit on my large bed.

"Your room is gorgeous." Elle tells me.

"Thank you but I didn't decorate it, Ms. Green did and I haven't changed it much since I came here. I've just added a few pictures." I tell her.

"So we know your gender reveal isn't going to be for a while but we've come up with some ideas, all of which are secrets though." Lauren tells me.

"Ugh." I groan falling back on my bed.

"I can't wait to figure out the gender, I want to buy a bunch of stuff for your baby." Lauren tells me.

"Don't go too crazy Laur." I laugh.

"Don't tell me what to do." She says hitting me playfully.

"So what are your intentions with my brother?" I ask her trying to make a serious face but we both end up laughing.

"I like your brother a lot Kate. He's been there for me since day one. My parents past away and after that life was just so hard. It was hard to go out, or even get out of bed some mornings. But I met your brother and he gave my life purpose again." She tells me with pure love in her eyes.

"I'm going to cry." Elle says running for the tissues in my bathroom.

I laugh but tears come to my eyes. I'm so glad my brother found a girl as sweet and kind as Lauren, he deserves it.

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