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"So Julian told me that Joans not your mother." I tell Lauren.

"No she's not. She's more like an aunt. She was friends with my parents." She tells me.

"Was?" I ask.

She looks at me before looking back at the road.

"They died in a fire when I was young. I wasn't home, I was at a party. I snuck out they didn't even know I was gone. But then when I went home there was fire trucks and police everywhere. I told them that I lived there and they told me my parents died in the fire. They asked if there's was any immediate family that could come get me. I told them there was and I called Joan. The rest of my family lives too far and I was scared. So I called her and she picked me up, and I've lived with her ever since."
She tells me her story and but then end I'm speechless.

"Oh. I'm so sorry about your parents. Did they ever say how the fire started?" I ask.

"They think someone started it but they never found out who and the case went cold..."

"Wow." I don't know what else to say.

"What about you? Julian's told me about your family, he talk about you a lot. But what about the family you're staying with?" She asks.

"Oh. They're nice. The husband died a few months ago, the mom is nice but kinda formal. She has me call her Ms. Green." I tell her.

"Oh really?" She asks.

"Yeah. I think it's probably just a gang family thing though." I shrug.

She looks at me before nodding. "Probably."

"Yeah, Anyways. She has 2 sons. Max, the younger one. He's nice but a lot more reckless. He sleeps around but he also works with Slater a lot. Slater is really uptight he cares a lot about living up to his father image, wants to make him proud I guess. But he's not like that with me. When it's just me and him he's sweet and caring. He was just angry that night." I sigh.

"You miss him." She says as a statement and not a question.

"Yeah I do. He asked me to be his girlfriend about a week ago. I was really happy I really like him. I just... i don't know." I sigh again.

"You need space like every normal couple does." she tells me.

"Yeah. I think that's it." I agree with her.


A little while later we get to the mall. When we get in it's luckily not too busy.

We go in and out a few stores both buy a few items here and there.

"Ok we have to." Lauren says pointing towards Victoria secret.

"I don't know.." I hesitate.

"Oh come on." She says dragging me in.

We go through various bra and panty sets and I come across this beautiful black and red one.

"Yes! Oh my god yes!" Lauren says excitedly.

"Ok. I'm getting it." I tell her.

After buying the set and few mix match items and a new pajama set we decide to leave that store before we go too crazy.

"Ok how about lunch?" Lauren asks and I nod placing my hand on my grumbling stomach.

We get Chinese food from the food court and sit down at once of the tables.

"So how's Julian been?" I ask her.

"Well, he seems ok. He talks about you a lot. Like every day. It's like the littlest things remind him of you. It's sweet." She tells me.

"I'm glad. Has he talked to our parents?"

"Not since that night you guys went and saw them. He came back upset though, did something happen?" She asks before adding, "Not that you have to tell me if you don't want to."

"Oh. Well I kinda had a breakdown. He was probably upset because I was." I tell her and she nods.

After lunch we go to a salon and get mani Pettys and then get haircuts. Although I just get mine trimmed not wanting to change my look to much. Then we get our bodies waxed and after all that we decide to head home.


We're both giggling once we walk in the door but I stop abruptly when I see max standing in the foyer.

"Excuse me." I say to Lauren who nods and walks upstairs with her bags.

I place my bags on the floor before leading Max to the living room.

"What are you doing here max?" I ask him.

"I don't know what happened with you and Slater but he's losing it. He's drinking more and overworking himself and just not taking care of himself, I don't know what going on and,"

"Max slow down." I say placing my hand on his arm.

"He needs you Kate." He tells me.

"Ok. I'll come back. I just have to pack." I tell him and he looks at me surprised.

"Y-you're coming back?" He stutters.

"Yes. I care about Slater and if I can fix whatever he's going through than that's what I want to do." I tell him.


After packing my bags and putting them in Max's car along with everything I bought today I go back inside. I hug Lauren and thank her for an amazing day. Then I hug Joan and thank her for the short time I spent in her house.
And last but not least I hug my brother.

"You can stay longer Katie." He tells me.

"No I can't. He needs me and I'm going to be there for him. I'll be back Julian I promise. I love you brother." I say hugging him again before pulling away to leave.

"I love you too sis." He says giving me a smile and wrapping his arm around Lauren's shoulder.

They all wave as I climb into Max's car.

"Ready?" He asks me.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go home."

And with that we pull out and drive through the night back to the house I moved into 2 months ago.

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