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I wake up and roll over. I open my eyes and realize I'm not in my bedroom. I remember last night and sigh. I sit up and rub my eyes, the alarm clock on the bedside table reads 11:42 am.

I go to the bathroom and wash my face and there's a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I call.

Mrs. Green walks in and smiles as I pat my face dry.

"Good morning Mrs. Green" I say and she frowns.

"Oh sweetie, it's just Ms. Green. My husband past away a few months ago." She tells me.

"Oh. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay honey. Mr. Green wants to meet you."

She must read my confused because she says, "My oldest son, he took rule after his father died. I'm not used to calling him that either but, that's just how it goes. Anyways I'll leave you alone so you can finish up. Breakfast will be ready in a little bit, it's usually earlier but we wanted to let you sleep. Anyways. I'm going now." She seems extremely friendly. I really like her.

I change into a t-shirt and leggings and I pin my hair into a pony tail. Then I go downstairs.

People are rushing around the kitchen and setting dishes of food on the very large dinning room table.

Max comes into the room and comes over to me. "Good morning sunshine."

I smile. "Good morning. They seem busy." I tell him and he chuckles.

"Yeah we added a few extra things to the menu because we don't really know what you like." He tells me.

"What? You guys don't have to do that." I tell him.

"Your father said to treat you like no less than a princess and I intend to keep my word, princess." Another voice says.

I look over and see a guy with dark brown hair, blue gray eyes, and tattoos lining his arms.

Anything I was going to say before has left my head. I'm quite literally left speechless.

"That's Slater. My older brother." Max tells me.

"Oh." Is all I manage to say.

"Mr. Green. Breakfast is ready." One of the workers tells him.

"Sit." He tells everyone but he looks directly at me.

I sit next to Max and Slater and their mom sit across from us. I look at all the food on the table trying to chose what to eat. There's eggs, bacon, toast, avocado, sausage, and other breakfast items.

"Let's dig in." Max says next to me.

I take an over easy egg, toast with butter, and some bacon, and put them on my plate. I look up before taking a bite of my food and once again his gaze is locked on me. Since he's so obsessed i decide to give him a show.

I put my egg on my toast and I take a bite. Some of the yolk drips out of my mouth onto my lip. I use my tongue to lick it of somewhat seductively. He raises an eyebrow surprised before smirking and looking down to eat his food. I have a feeling this stay is going to be interesting.


After breakfast I go back to my room. I change into a dark blue spots bra and matching leggings. Then I pin my hair up into a messy pony tail.

I grab my aluminum water bottle and head to the door. Before I can open it there's a knock. I open it since I'm standing right there and I see Slater.

"Oh um," he looks down at my outfit then back to my face "hi.. I was just- we haven't formally met. I'm Slater Green." He holds out his hand and I shake it. "Katelyn Jones." He nods and glances at my outfit again.

"I was going to go for a run but I kinda figured this house is so big that you might have a gym." I tell him.

He nods again. "Yes we do. Come with me." He tells me and I do as he says.

We walk downstairs and down a hall. He opens a door and reveals a huge gym. It has, treadmills, ellipticals, pull up bars, Weight benches, and so much more.

"Jeez did you guys rob a planet fitness?" I joke. He gives me a confused look. Ok so this guy has never been to a gym outside his own home. Got it. I mean who would if you had a whole gym in your house.

"Well um.. there's also a pool in the next room for when you're done, to cool off."

I figure he's joking so I laugh a little. But he doesn't smile or laugh, he actually kinda frowns.

"You're not joking are you?" I ask him.

"No.. I'm not." He says blandly. "Anyways I have stuff to do." He adds before walking out and leaving me alone.

I start with a slow walk on the treadmill then as I get more warmed up I speed it up. I continue speeding it up until I'm at a nice run pace. I feel the sweat form at my hairline and I quickly wipe it away.

I listen to music through my earbuds and try to run to the fast beat. It helps me push myself and try different running patterns.

After running I go to the weight bench and get the bar. I get two 40 lb weights and put one in each side to start. I then lay down and warm up my arms, slowly raising and lowering the bar.
After my arms feel warmed up I put a 20 lb weight on each side making it 60 lbs on each side. I then lay down again and repeatedly raise and lower the bars.

After doing weights I look through the cabinets and get a resistance band. I put it around my thighs and start by doing jumping jacks with it. Then I spread my legs should width apart and I do squats.

"97.. 98... 99..."

The doors opens as I count 100 to myself. I turn and a see Slater again. I remove the band from my legs and I walk over to my water bottle, picking it up and taking a sip.

"It's been a few hours. I came to see if you were alive." He tells me.

"I try to workout every part of my body with about 15-20 minute breaks in between" I tell him before taking another sip of my water.

He walks over to me and stands so close I can feel his cool breath on my hot neck.

"I know another way you can workout every part of your body." He whispers sending chills through my entire body. He chuckles lowly before stepping back and walking out of the gym. Leaving me speechless once again.

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