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He plugs his phone in and a song starts to play. The beat starts slow and I like it. Out of the corner of my eye I see him grip the steering wheel a little harder.

The song goes on and we both stay silent. I understand why he gripped the wheel like he did. This song is hot. I wait for him to change it but he doesn't. I unknowingly bite lip. After I realize I stop. I look out the window and put my legs together.

Finally the song ends but another one comes on. I look and the song is called "Watch Me Burn" comes on. It's by some Italian artist. This song is just as hot as the last one, maybe more. His voice is.. amazing.

We pull into apartment complex and he parks.
"I'll be out in a few minutes. Don't go anywhere." He tells me. I nod and he takes the package from the back seat and walks up the stairs to an apartment.

Another song comes on. I look at the the screen and see the name. "Or Nah by; Ty Dolla Sign"
I gulp as it starts.

The car door opens and Slater climbs in. His eyes widen when he hears the song and he quickly turns off the radio.

"How many girls have been in this car?" I ask quickly. He turn towards me but doesn't say anything. "Slater."

"I don't know princess."

I suddenly feel sick. The fact that he probably... with a girl.. right where I'm sitting.

"Can we go home?" I ask covering my mouth with my hand.

"I have one more stop." He says pulling out.

I shut my eyes and lean against the window regretting coming with him.

The car stops and he turns it off. I open my eyes and see a house.

"Come on." He days getting out.
I get out and follow him up to the door.
"Open the door." He tells me.

I do as he say and my eyes widen.



I run into my brothers arms.

"Oh my god I missed you so much Katie." She says into my hair.

"I missed you too Jules." I say smiling.

"Don't cry." He says wiping tears off my cheeks.

"I didn't realize I was." I tell him and he laughs.

"How are you?" He asks me.

I look back at Slater whose standing in the doorway. He gives me a half smile and I smile at him mouthing 'thank you' and he nods in response.

"I'm good Jules. How are you?" I ask him.

"I'm good. This place is ridiculously huge. It's amazing." He tells me.

"It's nice but not as nice as my house." Slater says now standing right behind me.

"I bet." Julian says. "I'm Julian." He holds out his hand and Slater shakes it. His face is cold he almost looks like a different person. "Slater." He replies cooly.

After Slater backs off I talk with Julian and he tells me about his time. Neither of us have heard from our parents which worries me but I don't tell him that.

"We should get going." Slater says coming back into the room.

"Okay." I respond quietly.

"I'll talk to you soon ok sis?" Julian says pulling me into a hug.

"I love you Jules."

"I love you too Katie."


We pull out of the driveway and we're both quiet.

"Thank you Slater." I eventually say breaking the silence.

"You're welcome princess." He stays silent for a moment before saying, "My cars get cleaned."

"Um... good for you?" I say not sure why he told me that.

"I could see how uncomfortable you were before when you realized.. well you know. I just figured I should tell you." He shrugs.

"Oh." I don't know what else to say. It's still gross but that at least makes me feel a little better. I close my eyes and I'm guessing because of the silence I fall asleep.



I open my eyes and rub them. We're back in the garage and Slater is standing next to me.

"Do you want me to carry you?" He asks.

"What?" I ask still groggy from my nap.

He doesn't say anything else he just lifts me up bridal style. I wrap my arms around his neck and he kicks the door shut behind him.

He carries me into the house and onto the couch in the living room.

"I'm going to see how much longer until dinner ok?" He says and I nod. He walks away and I close my eyes again. I think about his scent. He smells so good.


"Dinners ready princess."

I open my eyes not realizing I fell asleep, again.

"Sorry." I say sitting up.

"For what?" He asks.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep again." I tell him.

"It's fine after dinner you can go up and go to sleep." He tells me. I nod and follow him into the dinning room.

"So I heard you saw your brother today." Max says.

I finish chewing and nod. "It was really nice seeing him."

"I'm glad you got to do that before me and Slater go on runs for the rest of the week." He says. I look at him and then to Slater who looks away from me and down at his plate of food as if it's suddenly extremely exciting.

"I didn't know that." I say quietly.

"I still have work and responsibilities." Slater says cooly.

"Yeah I know that I just... I don't know." I love the food around on my plate.

"The world doesn't stop for you princess."

My eyes snap up to him and he's looking straight at me with a blank expression.

"I never said it did." I take another bite.

"Yeah well-,"

I cut him off, "I'm tired." I stand up pushing my chair out and walking upstairs.

I go to my room and change into pajamas.

I don't know why his mood always switches so fast. I didn't even do anything. He was just so nice today I thought we were becoming friends.. or whatever. Obviously I was wrong though. He's just a jerk.

I climb into bed and pull the covers up to my chin. Then I shut my eyes and try to think about anything other than Slater but I fail miserably. Eventually I fall asleep.

Princess Over NightWhere stories live. Discover now