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I sit down for dinner just like we did for breakfast.

On the table there's boneless steaks, mash potatoes, corn, green beans, gravy, and a few other things. It honestly feels like thanksgiving.

"So how are you settling in?" Ms. Green asks me.

"Very well thank you. You all have been extremely kind to me. This all is so much more than I'm used to, I know it'll take a little bit to get used to. Do you um... know how long I'll be staying here?" I ask quietly.

"Well no we-,"

Slater cuts off Ms. Green, "No we don't and we won't know for a while." He kind of snaps.

"Oh. I'm sorry for asking I just.. miss my family." I tell him.

"Of course you do sweetheart. We feel so bad for what your family has gone through and we want you to be with them again too." Ms. Green says kindly.

Slater scoffs.

"What?" I ask him.

"Nothing." He grumbles.

"If you have something to say then say it." I tell him.

He clenches his jaw before saying, "You're father is an idiot for the deal he made with the Silvers. He put you and your whole family in danger because he couldn't pay some lousy bills. He was ignorant and stupid and could've gotten you all killed."

I feel tears brim my eyes.

"You don't even know my father! He never wanted this to happen! He only wanted to take care of his family! He made a mistake and he's trying to fix it!"

Tears roll down my cheeks and I quickly stand up and run upstairs. I go to my bathroom and I sit on the tile floor and let my tears roll down my cheeks.

There's a knock on my door a few minutes later. I don't answer so they walk in.

Max appears in front of me and he kneels down. "Hey, Kate."

I look up at him and he wipes my cheeks.

"I'm sorry about what my brother said. He should've never said those things about your father but he's stressed right now. He didn't expect to take over my father ruling so young. None of us did, but when our father died on a run... it was the worst day of Slaters life. He told my father to go on that run, he told him that he needed to. I on the other hand told him not to go, but he listened to Slater and he went. He never came home. Slater was a wreck many weeks after his death but once he realized he would be the boss he straightened himself out and got ready to take our fathers place. He's still so angry and I don't think he got to finish grieving before he started to rule. Anyways I'm not trying to give excuses for how my brother acted out there because that was wrong but I'm just trying to help you understand him." After he's done he helps me up and he hugs me.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"You're welcome." He gives me a small smile before leaving me alone.

I walk over to the couch in my room and I sit down. A few minutes later there's another knock on the door.

I hear another door slam down the hall.

Ms. Green comes in and sets a plate of food on the night stand.

"Here sweetheart. You should finish eating." She says softly.

I quietly thank her and after I don't say anything else she leaves the room.

I go and sit on the bed next to where the plate of food it and I move it around with my fork. Once again there's a knock on the door.

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