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A/N: I realize I skipped the vows so this chapter is just going to be their vows to each other so it'll probably be a little shorter than the other chapters.

The vows:

Slater: Katelyn. When I met you you had just been ripped from your family. But you didn't show your fear or sadness. You're the strongest girl I know. You've been through so much and I'm so proud of everything you've done and accomplished.
I know I missed the whole pregnancy of our son but I know you were probably so strong through the whole thing and I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you.
I love you more than anything in this world, with you I'm happy. You gave me the most beautiful and the smartest little boy and I couldn't be any happier.
I'm so lucky to call you mine and I can't wait to do it for the rest of our lives. I love you Katelyn, my princess. And I will love your dad our little boy until I take my very last breath.

Katelyn: Slater, im trying to hold back my tears so I don't ruin my makeup.
When I came into your life you were cold and demanding. But I soon realized you were just hurting like the rest of us.
I know you said I'm the strongest person you know but no one is stronger than you are. You fought for your life for me and our son even though you had no information on what was going on. You fought for us and so for the rest of my life I'll fight for you. I'll love you unconditionally and I promise to take care of you. I love you so much Slater Green and I could be any happier to be called your wife.

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