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A few days have gone by and the wedding is tomorrow. I'm so excited. I love weddings. I've only been to like 2 but I love seeing two people commit themselves to another person for the rest of their lives.

I know one day I want that with someone. I want to be so in love with them that I just know I want to spend the rest of life with them.

"Why are you so happy?" Max asks me as I put breakfast on my plate.

He's been gone a lot recently. I haven't asked about it but I can't lie and say I'm not curious as to why.

"I'm going to a wedding with Slater tomorrow." I tell him.

"Weddings are so long and boring." He tells me.

"You're such a guy. Don't you want to get married one day?" I ask him.

"I don't know. Maybe. But I sure as hell wouldn't go to someone else's wedding." He says.

I roll my eyes.

Slater comes in and kisses my cheek. "Good morning. I have a lot of work stuff to do today so I'll be back later ok?"

I nod and he smiles before leaving the room again.

After breakfast I go the the gym and workout for about 3 hours. Then I go in the pool for about an hour and the sauna for about 30 minutes.

After all that I go up to my room and shower. When I'm done I wrap my towel around my body and I go to my closet.

There's a quick knock at the door but before I can answer Slater walks in.

"Hey." I say to him before looking through my clothes.

"Hey." He says wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on top of my head.

"What's up?" I ask him.

"I have a surprise for you. It's on the beach so wear a type of sundress. Please and thank you."  He says quickly before kissing the top of my head and leaving my room.

I take his word for it and find a cute sundress to wear. I pick out a light blue one with little flowers on it and a tie in the back that ties into a bow.

The dress:

The dress:

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