[35] Viper's girl

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Bella's POV:

It was nice having Alyssa to talk to last night, it was nice to have a friend to lean on and get a third-person view on everything that's happening in my and Jex's life right now.

I'm still shocked at everything that went down with my dad yesterday. The reaction I got from Ruby was exactly what I expected and yes I knew my dad and brother were going to be upset with me, I even knew that I'd be kicked out the Cobras and possibly the house, but I didn't think I'd be banished from the family and none of them would be able to have anything to do with me again.

I don't know where this leaves me now that I'm cut off from my family, I'm cut off from my Mum as well. I'm about to bring a baby into the world, this is the time I need her the most, I need her help, her advise, her words of wisdom.

"You ready to go baby girl?" Jex questions as he makes his way into the living room where I am currently sitting on the couch finishing my morning coffee.

"Uh sure, do I look okay?" I ask as I look down at my causal outfit of black jeans, and a white singlet top. One of the only outfits I had left at Jex's place.

"You look beautiful, don't stress." He smiles from the doorway

I stand to my feet with a soft smile "okay, let me grab my jacket and I'll be right with you."

I head down to our bedroom quickly and pull my hair into a messy pony tail, then I duck into the bedroom and grab my denim jacket, pulling it over my shoulders.

I take a deep breath as I look at my reflection and then head out to the foyer where Jex is waiting for me.

"Ready." I give him a small smile

He takes my hand and pulls me close, pressing a kiss to my lips. "Don't look so scared baby, I'm not going to let anything happen to you."


We arrived at what I assume is Viper HQ and Jex's opens the locked gate with a pin.

"The pin is 4790 if you ever need to use it." He says with a smile as he looks over at me from the driver seat. "Doors are the same but backwards."

"Oh Jex, y-you don't have to tell me things like that really." I say feeling as if I shouldn't be given information like that due to being an ex Cobra.

He parks the car and kills the engine before looking at me once more. "I trust you Bella, and I want you to be part of all of this, I want you to be part of the vipers I want us to do this together, and I know it might not be something you want to do right away, I'm not asking you to just flip and change teams. But I want you by my side, if and when you're ready."

I take in his words for a second and a smile appears on my lips, the first real smile since everything went down with my family. I don't know why, but it's only just hit me that everything Jex's says he means. Our relationship is so pure and honest, and when he tells me how much he loves me he means it from the bottom of his heart. I may have lost my family, but it wasn't for nothing, it was for me to move forward with my soul mate, my forever.

"Bell?" He says softly "I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"

"I want to be by your side Jex, and if you're willing to take me into the Viper family then yes, I'll happily call myself a Viper."

"Really?" He questions surprised

"Really." I lean over and press and press a kiss to his lips before pulling back

"Right, lets do this." He rubs his hands together with a huge smile on his face.

We both exit the car and meet each other at the front, he takes my hand and heads towards the door, taking me with him as we stay close to each other.

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