[37] - wife

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Jex's POV:

As I watched Bella leave the room, with a shake of my head and a grin on my face, I couldn't believe the words she'd just spoken to me. She actually wants to be my wife, she actually wants to marry me.

Once I pulled the stupid grin from my face I made my way back down to the meeting room, where I could hear Bella and the guys talking. When I entered the room they informed me that she'd filled them in on the plan. Frankly, they were amazed I was 'allowing' her to do it. As if I'd ever be able to tell Bella what she can and can't do.

After the unofficial meeting, I left her to talk with a few of the girls (who all seemed keen to get to know her), and pulled Malcolm and Alyssa aside into my office.

"Let me guess.You didn't give Bella permission and you want me to change her mind?" Alyssa crosses her arms over her chest.

"No I didn't give her permission. Well not really anyway, but that's not why I called you in here. Alyssa I want you to be in on the mission as well, I really don't want her doing this on her own."

"Me? Why me? I'm like the least sexy person. I'll probably spill a drink on him or something. I'm horribly clumsy you know this."

"Because you're the only person I trust with Bella for now. I don't know if the others girls would look out for her like I know you will."

"What do I have to do?"

"Flirt with him. Then slip something into his drink and both of you take him back to his room. Offer him a threesome or whatever it takes to get you into his room."

"A threesome? Kinky," she giggles.

"It's not actually happening Alyssa. He'll be passed out before anything too serious occurs."

"Well that's a damn shame. I hear the leader of the Kings is extremely sexy," she teases.

"Alyssa," I say in a warning tone.

"Oh chill boss man. My boyfriend is right next to me, I'm clearly joking," she looks up at Malcolm. "You okay with me doing it?"

"Not really, but I see Jex's point. You're the best person for the job."

"Then I guess I do it," she turns back to me with a smile.

"Thank god. See now Bella thinks she one upped me by getting to do the job, but I've one upped her because she's not doing it alone."

"You two are insane, maybe that's why you're so good together," Malcolm smirks.

"Probably," I clasp my hands together. "Anyway, one more thing."

"Fuck me, what now?" Alyssa places her hands on her hips.

"I need to take Bella shopping to get, well everything. As you know her parents didn't let her take anything at all. So I was thinking maybe you'd like to go with her."

"You had me at shopping."

"And while you're there."

"Oof, there's always a catch with you Mr. Shelby."

"Can you, maybe just swing by the jewellers and report back to me on the engagement ring she likes?"

"No fucking way!" She squeals excitedly. "Of course I will!" She bounces on the spot.

"You're really going to do it huh? All that wife talk wasn't just for show?"

"I wanted to do it as soon as I found out about the baby. Not just because of the baby, but because I want to show her how committed I am to her and that I'm not leaving her side or turning my back on her, like her family has done. But I didn't want to put more pressure on her, I didn't want her to think it was because of the baby and she's now trapped. But she kind of cheekily hinted to me that she'd like a ring, so you know, if it's a ring my girl wants, it's a ring she gets."

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