[41] Kiss

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"I still can't believe Jex let you out of the house dressed like that," Alyssa grins.

"He didn't want us to leave the house at all. But I told him we had to," I grin.

"See, this is why you're pregnant. You two can't keep your hands off each other," she giggles.

"And you and Mal don't hmm?" I hum at her with a giggle. "Jex has told me stories you know."

"All true," she winks.

"Girls, do you see King?" I hear through my earpiece.

I look around the room, searching for the man they call King. A man I don't know, but had the vision of his photo showed to me over and over and over again this afternoon, to make sure I get it right.

"Yes," I reply and then turn to Alyssa once more. "At the bar."

"Let's do this," she rubs her hands together, excited to be a part of a Viper mission.

We make our way over the bar and I stand back, watching as King flirts with a woman, who is only too happy to flirt with him. If I'm going to make this happen, I'm going to have to get him to notice me.

I make my way closer to him until I'm right next to him, my back to him. Alyssa standing in front of me. I giggle loudly at nothing, pretending as if Alyssa has said something and step back, crashing into him.

"What the fuck," he swears in a pissed off tone.

I turn quickly and look up at him. "Oh, I'm so sorry," I tell him timidly through batted lashes. "D-did I spill your drink? I'll buy you a new one."

He looks down at me and his facial expression changes, softening. "No, it's fine. Sorry beautiful, I didn't mean to yell."

"It's okay," I smile up at him.

"Can I buy you a drink to make up for it?" He offers.

"Sure, only if you buy my friend one as well," I move to the side, Alyssa now visible.

"A two for one deal huh?"

"In more ways than one," I bite down on my bottom lip, as I look up at him and twirl a blonde curl around my finger.

He smirks and calls the bartender over, getting us a drink each. "What are you names girls?"

"Aly ..." Alyssa begins.

"Aly, she's Aly," I cut in. "And I'm Ella," I give him fake names, close enough to ours that we'll reply.

"Well, it's lovely to meet you, Ella and Aly. I'm King."

"King?" I raise a brow. "Is that your real name?"

"Sort of," he shrugs.

"Mmm, I do love a mystery man," I smile up at him once more.

Our drinks arrive in front of us and Alyssa downs her quickly, while King isn't looking. She then swaps glasses with me and I pick it up pretending to down it.

"Jeez, slow down pretty girl," he smirks. "Shall I call for another?"

"You know handsome I think I might go and dance for a while, but if you're lucky maybe you'll see me later."

I take Alyssa's hand and take her to the dance floor with me, where we begin dancing. "I thought we needed to keep him close?" Alyssa comments.

"Trust me, I have him right where I want him," I smile and flick my hair over my shoulder.

Jex's POV:

Watching what's happening around the bar (through the cameras on the girls' bodies), I watch King leaning against the bar. He has his eyes glued to my Bella, his bottom lip between his teeth as he undresses her with his eyes.

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