Chapter 3:💐Bonding💐

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A few days had gone by and Eri learned a few things. She learned how to make 5 recipies and learned how to cut up fruit and make fruit juices. Mikasa was doing a very good job at teaching her how to cook diffrent foods. Then there was using the blender. Eri really liked using the blender. It seemed to mesmerize her because when it spun aroudn she seemed to stare at it with complete fascination. Yoh also sat down for 2 hours a day to teach her how to write and to spell sice Overhaul failed miserably to educate her. It was a shame how a 20 year old woman didnt know how to write or cook. Eri seemed to enjoy learning how to do both from Mikasa and Yoh.

Eri sat down on the couch alone. She then looked down on the ground to see the dog and cat looking up at her. She hadnt exactly had direct contact with either fo them with the few days she has been here. Then the dog and cat both unexpectedly waked towards her legs that were covered by the grey and black designed kimono wore. She gasped thinking they were gonna scratch or bite her. Then she sees them lovingly nuzzling their heads against her. She looked down at them. She felt better knowing that they liked her. She then reaxhed he rhand up and tocubed the small bump on her forhead of where her horn was. Her horn turned into a small lump.

It wasnt as bothering as it used to be but she was fully concious that its there. Then she hears Yoh speak to her. "You know you can hold them if you want..." He head to the spot next to her and sits down. Eri then tells him. "Hold them...?" He nods. " are able to cuddle with your pets..." Yoh picks up the dog with care. "His name is Aki and his name is want to hold him...?" He says holding Aki out to Eri hop8ng she would take his offer. The dig stuck its tounge out happily as it stared at Eri. Eri looked at the dog before reaching her clothed arms out before taking it into her arms. She holds it with care and locks eyes with her. She leaned her face in close to his face. When she got cose enough it happened.

The dog licked her nose affectionately. Eri jumped in surprise at the action not expecting him to do that. He licked her face a few more times. The ticklish feeling she had overtook her. The dog was just a puppy so it wasnt so heavy. "Thats a friendly gesture..." Eri looked down at the dog as it happily got comfortable in her arms. Eri then reached her hand down and gently rub Masas head. The kitten lazily closed it eyes as it felt the tenderness from Eris touch and comforting rubbing. "They really like you..." Yoh said to her as she gently carrased the two animals. Then the dog jumped out of Eris arms when they hear a rustling sound. The cat and dog were heading to their pet bowls.

"They are just going to eat..." Yoh reassuring Eris worry. She nodded. Eri then speaks. "Yoh..." He looks over at her when she said his name. "I feel the best I have ever felt my entire life...nobody has ever treated me like you, Mikasa, Deku and the other heroes have..." The memory of the day she met Yoh flooded inside her mind. She had ben running from Overhaul. She had bumped into Yoh and he heed her up. She recalled the warmth she felt when she was in his embrace. The wamrth and kind ess she felt flooded her insides and it made her special. "I want to thank you again for saving me and letting me stay here...even if its for a while...and letting me sleep in your room..."

Yoh then asnwers her. "You can stay here for as long as you want..." Eri looked at him. "I can...?" He nods. "Sure...after everything you wnet went through I would guess you would need somebody to be around and have a friendship with and to have a shoudler to cry in and even give you a hug when you need it..." Eri looked at him as he said all of this. When he said hug it remidned her of the warm embrace he gave her when they first met and she had been running away from Overhaul.  She felt an incomprehensible warmth from it. She wanted to feel that sweet warmth she had felt before again right now. "Yoh is it oky if we...hug...again...?"

Yoh looked at her as she blushed. She still hasnt smiled with her time being here. But she says shes mich happier than when she was with the Hassaikai. He wanted to make her happy and feel like she deserves to live. He nodded as he got closer to her. "Well sure...we can hug again..." He held his arms out so she can embrace him. She gently hugged herself agaisnt him and he hugged hismelf agaisnt her. The embrace was warm and loving and they enveloped one anothers scents. He smelled Eris hair since she was a head shorter than him. Since she had been taking comstamt baths her hair had a breezy soap smell.

Eri then smelled Yoh. He smelled like a nice cinamon smell to him. Probably because of his lunch that he had eaten while he was at his agency. Eri closed her eyes. The hug was so nice. She felt safe in Yohs arms. Bot because he was a hero but because the kidnness she felt seeping from the hug. It soudned ridiculous but ut was how she truly felt. "This is...nice..."  Eri saidas she became comfortable in th e hug. She can stay like this all day if she could. The hug was so comforting. Yoh then smiled at her as he bugged her. "Im glad you think so..."

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